Monday, 4 January 2016

Assess Research Impact


Assess Research Impact

Promote Your Research: BEFORE Submission

Here are a few suggestions for ways to ensure your article is highly downloaded PRIOR to submission:

  1. Choose a descriptive title. Write a clear title that includes the most important keywords and demonstrates the significance of your research.
  2. Use appropriate keywords. Think of every likely angle that
    someone would search on regarding your research topic, and make sure
    that those angles are covered with your keywords.
  3. Write an informative abstract. Include keywords and key
    phrases in your abstract in order to optimize your article for search
    engines and encourage readers to click through to the full article.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your title should include the key terms from your research.
  • Choose an intelligent list of words and phrases for the keyword section.
  • Use those keywords naturally within your abstract.
Source: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (n.d.). How to... ensure your article is highly downloaded: what you can do PRIOR to submission. Retrieved from

Promote Your Research: AFTER Submission

Here are a few suggestions for how to maximize the impact of your research:

Ensure your research makes an impact:

  1. Take advantage of free author eprints. If you receive free
    eprints with the publication of your article, be sure to share these
    eprints with colleagues and friends. Some popular strategies for
    distribution of eprints include adding links to your email signatures,
    sending direct article links to contacts, and/or posting links on social
  2. Add your article, or the journal, to your students' reading lists as essential reading.
  3. Add article links to personal web pages or institutional faculty profiles. The more links you post on the Internet, from a range of websites, the higher it will appear within search engine results.
  4. Check whether the library has a subscription to the journal. If not, recommend a subscription to a librarian.
  5. Register for a unique ORCID author identifier. Then add the details of your article to your profile.
  6. If you've published a book, be sure to ask the publisher how
    your work will be promoted so that it reaches its intended audience.
    Also ask the publisher how you will be supported as an advocate for your book.
Source: Taylor & Francis Group. (2014). Promote your article Retrieved from

Get Noticed: Promote your article for maximum impact:

  1. Preparing your article. Choose the right journal, based on
    its scope. Then optimize your article for SEO discovery by including a
    great abstract, relevant keywords, and appropriate section titles and
  2. Publishing your article. Publishers offer several features
    that will help improve the visibility of your article. These include
    DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) that always link to the latest
    available version of your article and Table of Contents e-alerts for
    subscribers. Some publishers, such as Elsevier, also highlight top
    articles from the past 12 months, which may be freely available to any
    interested readers.
  3. Promoting your article. In addition to standards such as
    conference presentations and posters, consider connecting with others on
    social networking sites and using institutional communication channels,
    such as press releases, to announce your research.
  4. Monitoring your article. Some publishers offer research
    dashboards, which present data on who is accessing your article, to
    their authors. Altmetrics also allow you to track and analyze the online
    activity around your article.
Source: Elsevier. (2015, April 20). Promoting your article for maximum impact — It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 (... and 4!) Retrieved from

Claim Your Research

The tools shown in the video below will help you make sure your research is properly attributed and credited to you.

ORCID and Scopus: Manage your author profile (video run time: 5:15)

Note: This content may be best
viewed in the Google Chrome browser. If you are unable to view the
video, please copy the URL for this web page from the browser address
bar, and then paste it into the Chrome browser.

Usage and Citation Alerts

Most publishers offer free alert services that will notify you
when your article has been cited. Here are a couple publishers who offer
these services.

How Publishers Are Incorporating Altmetrics

A handful of publishers have begun to incorporate altmetrics -
i.e. mentions and shares of research output across traditional and
social media outlets - into their platforms. These metrics can help you
present a broader impact of your research, such as a Twitter
conversation generated from a paper presentation at a conference or the
number of readers who have saved your article for reading or discussion
on Mendeley. Below are links to details on how some publishers are
presenting altmetrics to scholarly audiences.

Further Reading

Below are additional resources that highlight various aspects of bibliometrics and altmetrics.

Assess Research Impact - Faculty Workshop Series - LibGuides at Indiana University Kokomo

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