Summary: The delay irrpublication
of scientific papers is a constant source of frustration for their
authors. Perhaps no segment of the literature is subjected to greater
publication delays than that which eventually appears in the bound
volumes emanating from international meetings and symposia. In May 1969,
1 presented a paperl which brought together much of my theoretical and
practical work on the subject of indexing.
During the twenty months it took to publish that work I was not scooped,
as so often happens these days, but a number of developments did take
place which made it obsolete without an appropriate supplement. I tried
to rectify the situation by publishing a short paper in Naturez which
has been reprinted in Current Currents ” 3. Indeed, the subject has been
anonymously editorialized (a regrettable practice) in Natureq and
amplified by Cawkells. I in turn have responded to the challenge with a
letterG whose publication has been delayed by the British postal strike.
Of even
of scientific papers is a constant source of frustration for their
authors. Perhaps no segment of the literature is subjected to greater
publication delays than that which eventually appears in the bound
volumes emanating from international meetings and symposia. In May 1969,
1 presented a paperl which brought together much of my theoretical and
practical work on the subject of indexing.
During the twenty months it took to publish that work I was not scooped,
as so often happens these days, but a number of developments did take
place which made it obsolete without an appropriate supplement. I tried
to rectify the situation by publishing a short paper in Naturez which
has been reprinted in Current Currents ” 3. Indeed, the subject has been
anonymously editorialized (a regrettable practice) in Natureq and
amplified by Cawkells. I in turn have responded to the challenge with a
letterG whose publication has been delayed by the British postal strike.
Of even
Eugene Garfield
Summary: Weighted citation index Maarten Fokkinga Version of February 26, 2013, 15:40 Abstract. A citation index is one way of the many possibilities to measure "the quality" of a researcher: count the citations to his work. The notion of citation index has many derived concepts, one of which is the h
Fokkinga, Maarten M.
Summary: We present CiteSeer: an autonomous citation indexing system which indexes academic literature in electronic format (e.g. Postscript files on the Web). CiteSeer understands how to parse citations, identify citations to the same paper in different formats, and identify the context of citations in the body of articles. CiteSeer provides most of the advantages of traditional (manually constructed) citation indexes (e.g. the ISI citation indexes), including: literature retrieval by following citation
links (e.g. by providing a list of papers that cite a given paper), the
evaluation and ranking of papers, authors, journals, etc. based on the
number of citations, and the identification of research trends. CiteSeer has many advantages over traditional citation indexes,
including the ability to create more up-to-date databases which are not
limited to a preselected set of journals or restricted by journal
publication delays, completely autonomous operation with a corresponding
reduction in cost, and powerful interactive browsing of the literature
using the context of citations. Given a
particular paper of interest, CiteSeer can display the context of how
the paper is cited in subsequent publications. This context may contain a
brief summary of the paper, another author's response to the paper, or
subsequent work which builds upon the original article. CiteSeer allows
the location of papers by keyword search or by citation links. Papers related to a given paper can be located using common citation information or word vector similarity. CiteSeer will soon be available for public use.
links (e.g. by providing a list of papers that cite a given paper), the
evaluation and ranking of papers, authors, journals, etc. based on the
number of citations, and the identification of research trends. CiteSeer has many advantages over traditional citation indexes,
including the ability to create more up-to-date databases which are not
limited to a preselected set of journals or restricted by journal
publication delays, completely autonomous operation with a corresponding
reduction in cost, and powerful interactive browsing of the literature
using the context of citations. Given a
particular paper of interest, CiteSeer can display the context of how
the paper is cited in subsequent publications. This context may contain a
brief summary of the paper, another author's response to the paper, or
subsequent work which builds upon the original article. CiteSeer allows
the location of papers by keyword search or by citation links. Papers related to a given paper can be located using common citation information or word vector similarity. CiteSeer will soon be available for public use.
C. Lee Giles; Kurt D. Bollacker; Steve Lawrence
KAPSAMINDAK. Aki, E.,S. Atasavun, A. Turan, H. Kayihan. "Training motor
skills of children with low vision", Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104,
1328-1336, (2007) (SSCI) 20. Ayhan, A. B., E. Aki, N. Aral, H. Kayihan
KAPSAMINDAK. Aki, E.,S. Atasavun, A. Turan, H. Kayihan. "Training motor
skills of children with low vision", Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104,
1328-1336, (2007) (SSCI) 20. Ayhan, A. B., E. Aki, N. Aral, H. Kayihan
Köprülü, Kahraman Güçlü
Summary: CRITIQUE OF HIRSCH'S CITATION INDEX: A COMBINATORIAL FERMI PROBLEM ALEXANDER YONG 1. INTRODUCTION 1 citations each, and all other papers have weakly less than n citations. Although the original focus of loc of Science highlight the h-index, among other metrics such as total citation count, in their profile
Yong, Alexander
Summary: from 8,500 prestigious,
high-impact journals. Current Chemical Reactions also contains
information abstracted from patents. The three citation indexes contain the cited references from indexed
articles. You can use cited references as search terms. A cited
reference search retrieves articles that cite an earlier published work.
By doing a cited reference search, you can: ? Discover who is citing
your research and how it is being used to support current research ?
Track the research activities of colleagues and competitors ? Follow the
history of an idea or a method from its first communication to the
present day
high-impact journals. Current Chemical Reactions also contains
information abstracted from patents. The three citation indexes contain the cited references from indexed
articles. You can use cited references as search terms. A cited
reference search retrieves articles that cite an earlier published work.
By doing a cited reference search, you can: ? Discover who is citing
your research and how it is being used to support current research ?
Track the research activities of colleagues and competitors ? Follow the
history of an idea or a method from its first communication to the
present day
Quick Reference Card
Summary: In this paper we provide the reader with a visual representation of relationships among the impact of book chapters indexed in the Book Citation Index
using information gain values and published by different academic
publishers in specific disciplines. The impact of book chapters can be
characterized statistically by citations histograms. For instance, we can compute the probability of occurrence of book chapters with a number of citations in different intervals for each academic publisher. We predict the similarity between two citation histograms based on the amount of relative information between such characterizations. We observe that the citation patterns of book chapters follow a Lotkaian distribution. This paper describes the structure of the Book Citation Index
using 'heliocentric clockwise maps' which allow the reader not only to
determine the grade of similarity of a given academic publisher indexed in the Book Citation Index with a specific discipline according to their citation distribution, but al...
using information gain values and published by different academic
publishers in specific disciplines. The impact of book chapters can be
characterized statistically by citations histograms. For instance, we can compute the probability of occurrence of book chapters with a number of citations in different intervals for each academic publisher. We predict the similarity between two citation histograms based on the amount of relative information between such characterizations. We observe that the citation patterns of book chapters follow a Lotkaian distribution. This paper describes the structure of the Book Citation Index
using 'heliocentric clockwise maps' which allow the reader not only to
determine the grade of similarity of a given academic publisher indexed in the Book Citation Index with a specific discipline according to their citation distribution, but al...
Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Robinson-Garcia, Nicolas; Fdez-Valdivia, J; García, J A; 10.1016/j.joi.2013.01.004
Summary: Reference Directed Indexing: Redeeming Relevance for Subject Search in Citation Indexes Shannon-bradshaw@uiowa.edu Abstract. Citation indexes are valuable tools for research, in part be- cause they provide a means new work within that space. Citation indexes such as CiteSeer [13] have proven extremely useful
Bradshaw, Shannon
Summary: Academy of Sciences
titled Research Doctorate Programs in the United States - Continuity and
Change. 1 Using an extensive questionnaire technique addressed to most
academic research institutions in the USA, the tabulated results were
correlated with citation and publication
analyses and concluded that: "The clearest relationship between ratings
of the 'scholarly quality of program faculty' and these productivity
measures occurred with respect to 'citation' -
with faculty in toprated programs cited much more often than faculty in
lower-rated programs who published." Questionnaire surveys are but one
of many different subjective approaches to research evaluation.
Cornelius Le Pair has stated succinctly the approach to citation analysis that I have always supported: "Citation
Analysis is a fair evaluation tool for those scientific sub-fields
where publication in the serial literature is the main vehicle of
communication. 2 It's
titled Research Doctorate Programs in the United States - Continuity and
Change. 1 Using an extensive questionnaire technique addressed to most
academic research institutions in the USA, the tabulated results were
correlated with citation and publication
analyses and concluded that: "The clearest relationship between ratings
of the 'scholarly quality of program faculty' and these productivity
measures occurred with respect to 'citation' -
with faculty in toprated programs cited much more often than faculty in
lower-rated programs who published." Questionnaire surveys are but one
of many different subjective approaches to research evaluation.
Cornelius Le Pair has stated succinctly the approach to citation analysis that I have always supported: "Citation
Analysis is a fair evaluation tool for those scientific sub-fields
where publication in the serial literature is the main vehicle of
communication. 2 It's
Eugene Garfield; Chairman Emeritus
Overview. In 2005, physicist J. E. Hirsch [Hi05] proposed the h-index to measure the quality. cit. was on physicists, the h-index is now widely popular. For example, Google Scholar and the Web
Overview. In 2005, physicist J. E. Hirsch [Hi05] proposed the h-index to measure the quality. cit. was on physicists, the h-index is now widely popular. For example, Google Scholar and the Web
Yong, Alexander
Summary: ??Acknowledgements in research publications, like citations, indicate influential contributions to scientific work. However, acknowledgements are different from citations in an important regard; whereas citations are… (more)
Councill, Isaac
Summary: A large literature following Hirsch (2005) has proposed citation- based indexes of individuals' research output. This paper views Hirsch's index as one member of a larger class and examines how well different indexes align ...
Ellison, Glenn
Summary: A los clientes de Thomson
Scientific se les otorga aquí mediante permiso para hacer copias de
esta guía para su propio uso dentro de su organización. Todas las copias
reproducidas deberán contener el aviso de Derechos Reservados de
Thomson Scientific (incluyendo copias parciales). Otras reproducciones
requerirán la aprobación explícita de Thomson Scientific.
Reconocimientos de la Reimpresión El extracto de "Measurement of
transient out-of-plane displacement gradients in plates using
Scientific se les otorga aquí mediante permiso para hacer copias de
esta guía para su propio uso dentro de su organización. Todas las copias
reproducidas deberán contener el aviso de Derechos Reservados de
Thomson Scientific (incluyendo copias parciales). Otras reproducciones
requerirán la aprobación explícita de Thomson Scientific.
Reconocimientos de la Reimpresión El extracto de "Measurement of
transient out-of-plane displacement gradients in plates using
Abundio Dávila; Jesus Blanco-garcía; Carlos Pérez-lópez; Y José L. Fern
Summary: Expanded Index
for CU Preservation Master Plan Administrative Services Building p. 69
general reference p.244247 landscape p.257 landscape Alumni Center p.
219221 general reference p. 223 general reference p. 322 general
reference p. 437 landscape & treatment recommendation Barnett
for CU Preservation Master Plan Administrative Services Building p. 69
general reference p.244247 landscape p.257 landscape Alumni Center p.
219221 general reference p. 223 general reference p. 322 general
reference p. 437 landscape & treatment recommendation Barnett
Duchowski, Andrew T.
Summary: The journal structure in the China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations
Database (CSTPCD) is analysed from three perspectives: the database
level, the specialty level and the institutional level (i.e., university
journals versus journals issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences).
The results are compared with those for (Chinese) journals included in
the Science Citation Index. The frequency of journal-journal citation
relations in the CSTPCD is an order of magnitude lower than in the SCI.
Chinese journals, especially high-quality journals, prefer to cite
international journals rather than domestic ones. However, Chinese
journals do not get an equivalent reception from their international
counterparts. The international visibility of Chinese journals is low,
but varies among fields of science. Journals of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences (CAS) have a better reception in the international scientific
community than university journals.
Database (CSTPCD) is analysed from three perspectives: the database
level, the specialty level and the institutional level (i.e., university
journals versus journals issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences).
The results are compared with those for (Chinese) journals included in
the Science Citation Index. The frequency of journal-journal citation
relations in the CSTPCD is an order of magnitude lower than in the SCI.
Chinese journals, especially high-quality journals, prefer to cite
international journals rather than domestic ones. However, Chinese
journals do not get an equivalent reception from their international
counterparts. The international visibility of Chinese journals is low,
but varies among fields of science. Journals of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences (CAS) have a better reception in the international scientific
community than university journals.
Zhou, Ping
Summary: The Institute for Science Information (ISI) has generated two lists of citation
information for astronomers that are uniquely restricted both as to the
years surveyed for the cited papers, and the years surveyed for the
citing papers. The main list gives citation
data for 62,813 physicists and astronomers whose journal papers were
cited 100 times or more from 1981.0 to 1997.5 by papers published during
the same time interval. The second list gives the 200 most-cited
papers/year published in refereed astronomical journals from 1981-1996,
as cited in papers in those same journals from
1981.0-1998.0. Astronomer names were selected from various sources. From this work an Astronomy Citation Database (ACD) has been constructed, containing citation
data for 6458+ astronomers, plus additional data for 173 astronomers
and the top-10 cited papers published 1981-1996. Various problems, both
substantial and subtle, of producing a reasonably fair citation
database are detailed. Chief among these are whether to assign either
parital or full credit for each author on a given paper. Whether one is
honored with one of the top astronomy lifetime-awards is a strong
function of how well your work stands out as your own, and in what kind
of publications you publish (e.g., the ISI does not keep track of papers
in meeting proceedings/books/catalogs). Name confusion affects this
kind of analysis to the extent that that it would take an enormous
effort to disentangle its effects and, even then, not all name confusion
would be settled. A ``modest proposal'' is made that our professional
field (and others) go to a system of uniquely associating an
identification number to each author on each paper to solve the name
confusion problem.
information for astronomers that are uniquely restricted both as to the
years surveyed for the cited papers, and the years surveyed for the
citing papers. The main list gives citation
data for 62,813 physicists and astronomers whose journal papers were
cited 100 times or more from 1981.0 to 1997.5 by papers published during
the same time interval. The second list gives the 200 most-cited
papers/year published in refereed astronomical journals from 1981-1996,
as cited in papers in those same journals from

data for 6458+ astronomers, plus additional data for 173 astronomers
and the top-10 cited papers published 1981-1996. Various problems, both
substantial and subtle, of producing a reasonably fair citation
database are detailed. Chief among these are whether to assign either
parital or full credit for each author on a given paper. Whether one is
honored with one of the top astronomy lifetime-awards is a strong
function of how well your work stands out as your own, and in what kind
of publications you publish (e.g., the ISI does not keep track of papers
in meeting proceedings/books/catalogs). Name confusion affects this
kind of analysis to the extent that that it would take an enormous
effort to disentangle its effects and, even then, not all name confusion
would be settled. A ``modest proposal'' is made that our professional
field (and others) go to a system of uniquely associating an
identification number to each author on each paper to solve the name
confusion problem.
D. Burstein
Summary: First, for decades the
use of anonymity in reviews for science funding proposals and for
evaluating manuscripts for publication has been gradually corrupting
American science, encouraging and rewarding the dark elements of human
nature. Unethical reviewers, secure and unaccountable through anonymity,
all too often make untrue and/or pejorative statements to eliminate
their professional competitors. Survival in this corrupt environment has
led to a consensus-only mentality. Consequently, important scientific
contradictions, if they can be published at all, are selectively ignored
in many instances out of fear of anonymous retaliation. Science Citation Index
data in such a corrupt environment may be of little administrative
value, except for possible use in documenting scientific fraud. Second,
as knowledge of the administrative use of Science Citation Index data spreads, scientists will adapt and will shift to research on popular subjects to elicit greater numbers of citations, rather than to take the paths le...
use of anonymity in reviews for science funding proposals and for
evaluating manuscripts for publication has been gradually corrupting
American science, encouraging and rewarding the dark elements of human
nature. Unethical reviewers, secure and unaccountable through anonymity,
all too often make untrue and/or pejorative statements to eliminate
their professional competitors. Survival in this corrupt environment has
led to a consensus-only mentality. Consequently, important scientific
contradictions, if they can be published at all, are selectively ignored
in many instances out of fear of anonymous retaliation. Science Citation Index
data in such a corrupt environment may be of little administrative
value, except for possible use in documenting scientific fraud. Second,
as knowledge of the administrative use of Science Citation Index data spreads, scientists will adapt and will shift to research on popular subjects to elicit greater numbers of citations, rather than to take the paths le...
Herndon, J M
Summary: First, for decades the
use of anonymity in reviews for science funding proposals and for
evaluating manuscripts for publication has been gradually corrupting
American science, encouraging and rewarding the dark elements of human
nature. Unethical reviewers, secure and unaccountable through anonymity,
all too often make untrue and/or pejorative statements to eliminate
their professional competitors. Survival in this corrupt environment has
led to a consensus-only mentality. Consequently, important scientific
contradictions, if they can be published at all, are selectively ignored
in many instances out of fear of anonymous retaliation. Science Citation Index
data in such a corrupt environment may be of little administrative
value, except for possible use in documenting scientific fraud. Second,
as knowledge of the administrative use of Science Citation Index data spreads, scientists will adapt and will shift to research on popular subjects to elicit greater numbers of citations, rather than to take the paths less trodden where important scientific discoveries may lay waiting.
use of anonymity in reviews for science funding proposals and for
evaluating manuscripts for publication has been gradually corrupting
American science, encouraging and rewarding the dark elements of human
nature. Unethical reviewers, secure and unaccountable through anonymity,
all too often make untrue and/or pejorative statements to eliminate
their professional competitors. Survival in this corrupt environment has
led to a consensus-only mentality. Consequently, important scientific
contradictions, if they can be published at all, are selectively ignored
in many instances out of fear of anonymous retaliation. Science Citation Index
data in such a corrupt environment may be of little administrative
value, except for possible use in documenting scientific fraud. Second,
as knowledge of the administrative use of Science Citation Index data spreads, scientists will adapt and will shift to research on popular subjects to elicit greater numbers of citations, rather than to take the paths less trodden where important scientific discoveries may lay waiting.
J. Marvin Herndon
Summary: In 2011, Thomson-Reuters introduced the Book Citation Index (BCI) as part of the Science Citation Index
(SCI). The interface of the Web of Science version 5 enables users to
search for both "Books" and "Book Chapters" as new categories. Books and
book chapters, however, were always among the cited references, and
book chapters have been included in the database since 2005. We explore
the two categories with both BCI and SCI, and in the sister databases
for the social sciences (SoSCI) and the arts and humanities (A&HCI).
Book chapters in edited volumes can be highly cited. Books contain many
citing references, but are relatively less cited. We suggest that this
may find its origin in the slower circulation of books then of journal
articles. It is possible to distinguish scientometrically between
monographs and edited volumes among the "Books". Monographs may be
underrated in terms of citation impact or overrated using publication performance indicators because individual chapters are counted separately as ...
(SCI). The interface of the Web of Science version 5 enables users to
search for both "Books" and "Book Chapters" as new categories. Books and
book chapters, however, were always among the cited references, and
book chapters have been included in the database since 2005. We explore
the two categories with both BCI and SCI, and in the sister databases
for the social sciences (SoSCI) and the arts and humanities (A&HCI).
Book chapters in edited volumes can be highly cited. Books contain many
citing references, but are relatively less cited. We suggest that this
may find its origin in the slower circulation of books then of journal
articles. It is possible to distinguish scientometrically between
monographs and edited volumes among the "Books". Monographs may be
underrated in terms of citation impact or overrated using publication performance indicators because individual chapters are counted separately as ...
Leydesdorff, Loet
Summary: The debate about which similarity measure one should use for the normalization in the case of Author Co-citation Analysis (ACA) is further complicated when one distinguishes between the symmetrical co-citation--or, more generally, co-occurrence--matrix and the underlying asymmetrical citation--occurrence--matrix. In the Web environment, the approach of retrieving original citation data is often not feasible. In that case, one should use the Jaccard index, but preferentially after adding the number of total citations (occurrences) on the main diagonal. Unlike Salton's cosine and the Pearson correlation, the Jaccard index
abstracts from the shape of the distributions and focuses only on the
intersection and the sum of the two sets. Since the correlations in the
co-occurrence matrix may partially be spurious, this property of the
Jaccard index can be considered as an advantage in this case.
abstracts from the shape of the distributions and focuses only on the
intersection and the sum of the two sets. Since the correlations in the
co-occurrence matrix may partially be spurious, this property of the
Jaccard index can be considered as an advantage in this case.
Leydesdorff, Loet
citation index expanded: Topics by E-print Network
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