In order to improve the quality of systematic researches, various tools have been developed by well-known scientific institutes sporadically. Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim has collected these sporadic tools under one roof in a collection named “Research Tool Box”. The toolbox contains over 720 tools so far, classified in 4 main categories: Literature-review, Writing a paper, Targeting suitable journals, as well as Enhancing visibility and impact factor.
Friday, 27 September 2019
Fighting Citation Pollution — The Challenge of Detecting Fraudulent Journals in Works Cited
Editor’s Note: Today’s post is by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe and Michael Clarke. As citations to articles in fraudulent
journals increasingly appear in article manuscripts, vexing reviewers
and editors alike, the scholarly
communications community needs to develop an automated shared service to
assess works cited efficiently and ensure that authors are not
inadvertently polluting the scholarly record. Caeretan Hydria, Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program.CrossRef’s recent decision to rescind the membership of OMICS
brings the issue of citation pollution into sharp relief. The decision
comes in the wake of $50 million fine levied against the publisher by
the US Federal Trade Commission in a summary judgement earlier this
year. Now CrossRef is freezing OMICS out of its ecosystem. While DOIs
already deposited will remain active, OMICS will no longer be able to
deposit DOIs via CrossRef. CrossRef is not the only organization to grapple with this issue. The Scientist reported in May on growing concerns among researchers about papers from fraudulent publishers finding their way into PubMed
via PubMedCentral. Once in PubMed, the papers appear just like any
other paper and can easily be found and cited by researchers. While the extent of the fraudulent and deceptive journal publishing practices in scholarly publishing is not fully known, it is perceived as a substantial and growing problem. There are, for example, over 10,000 journals on the Cabel’s blacklist.
(Let’s pause to let that number sink in: over 10,000 journals.) While
some of what is published in these 10,000-plus journals is undoubtedly
methodologically sound scholarship (an inference based simply on the
volume of papers we are talking about), other articles are at best
questionable science and at worst outright fraud. Separating the
methodologically sound from the fraudulent would be a Herculean
challenge (analogies to vanquishing the Lernaean Hydra or cleaning the Augean stables seem apropos),so what are citing researchers, and the legitimate journals they publish in, to do? Authors and editors who wish to avoid
giving citations to fraudulent publications are in the position of
having to track which journals engage in fraudulent practices. This is
difficult due to the sheer number of such journals and the fact that
many fraudulent journal titles are deliberately chosen to closely mirror
those of legitimate publications. While manual checks by authors and
copyeditors against whitelists and blacklists are possible, such
approaches are time-consuming and costly. Further, copyediting practices
vary widely among publishers and even among journals at the same
publisher. While some journals closely review citations, others simply
edit details to conform with the journal’s style format. Spending any time seriously considering this challenge leads one to see there is
clearly a need for a scalable, easily adopted, and industry-wide
approach to the problem of citations to articles in fraudulent journals
appearing in author manuscripts. We suggest that what could meet this
need is a “meta journal look-up service” that could be accessed via API
by the production systems and editing tools used by publishers. In
reference to the labors of the ancient Greek hero, we propose calling
such a system “HYDRA” for High-frequencY Fraud Detection Reference Application. How HYDRA could work is as follows. A
manuscript would be submitted to a publisher’s production or copy
editing system. As part of that ingest process, the list of cited
journals would be sent to HYDRA in the form of an API query. HYDRA would
then return a list of which whitelists each cited journal appears on.
So, for each citation in a manuscript, HYDRA would return something like
“Journal X is indexed by Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports,
Scopus, DOAJ, MEDLINE” and so on. It could include subject lists as
well, e.g., EconLit, PsycINFO, MLA, GeoRef, Inspec, and so forth. HYDRA
could further allow publishers to maintain their own whitelists that
would be incorporated into query results; this might include regional
titles and niche publications that do not appear on other whitelists.
Such a look up process could also bring back which blacklists a cited
journal appears on. By querying multiple lists, HYDRA would avoid
over-reliance on a single authority and allow for a more nuanced
assessment of a given journal title. If a journal does not appear on any
whitelists — or if it appears on any blacklists — a query to the author
could be automatically generated (as a component of the author
submission or proof review process) asking the author to justify the
citation. Journals might adopt a simple editorial policy: If a reference
is not included on certain whitelists (which might vary by journal and
might include publisher-maintained regional lists), then authors must
justify the citation to the satisfaction of the editor. For example, in
writing about fraudulent publications, it may be necessary to cite them! As HYDRA would be providing a simple
look-up service, it could be embedded into any number of tools and
applications in the scholarly workflow. This might include authoring
tools and manuscript submission systems, for example. HYDRA might also
have a simple web look-up that anyone could use. This might even be used
by authors to validate that a journal they are considering submitting
an article to is on well-known whitelists or to find out if it is on any
blacklists. This approach would not require too
much in the way of new infrastructure or the creation of new lists. It
would require, however, that the various whitelists allow HYDRA to make
an API call, for free or through some sort of license model, and return a
validation that a given journal is on a list (or that it is not). HYDRA
would therefore not store any information from any whitelists — it
would simply act as a kind of switchboard. It would be, in other words,
a look-up, not a meta-index. And the look-up need not contain any
additional information from the lists — only
the fact that the journal appears on them (or does not). This enables
any subscription-based whitelists/blacklists to preserve much of the
value of their products while contributing data to HYDRA, which in a way
serves as marketing for the fuller data and services of the
subscription products. The development and industry-wide
adoption of a service like HYDRA could go a long way toward keeping
citations to articles in fraudulent journals from polluting the
scholarly record. It would also go a long way toward educating authors,
editors, and others about the problem. The simplicity of the service
makes it easy to adopt both technologically and socially. The costs of
developing and maintaining such a service should be minimal and could be
supported via a modest fee for API access (website look-up, a more
manual process provided for the individual author or very small
publisher, would ideally be free). This idea is ripe for a collaborative
development approach, perhaps undertaken by an existing infrastructure
organization. We offer this idea with the acknowledgment that it is not
fully detailed (e.g., how to handle citations to sources other than
articles, should it be extended to flag retractions, etc.). We hope that
it will inspire conversation and, perhaps, action. *** Note: We wish to acknowledge that the idea for HYDRA was born in response to a post
from Margaret Winker on the OSI listserv that asked: “Authors cite
research published in what may be predatory journals. Should a journal
refuse to allow the citation(s)? And if so, what does that look like?”
Though the full extent to which citations to articles in fraudulent
journals are entering the scholarly record is not well documented, the
OSI discussion revealed that this is a problem of great concern for
journal editors and publishers that has elided easy resolution through
manual review processes.
Lisa Janicke
Hinchliffe is Professor/Coordinator for Information Literacy Services
and Instruction in the University Library and affiliate faculty in the
School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at
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