Activities aimed at promoting research are increasingly important
in researchers’ work. By making your research visible and accessible
you increase chances of your research being noticed, used and having
impact, thus increasing your own reputation and chances of success in
your academic work.
Researchers are embracing a variety of activities and tools to promote work, connect with other researchers, and engage in scholarly discourse. Increasingly, the activities related to promoting their research take place at all stages of the research process: from the discovery stage, through analysis and writing process, through to publishing, outreach, and assessment. 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication project from University of Utrecht (see below) provides a comprehensive mapping of traditional and newer tools to aid research process.
In this guide you will find descriptions of six steps to increased visibility and impact of research activity, and recommendations of tools that can help in this process.
Researchers are embracing a variety of activities and tools to promote work, connect with other researchers, and engage in scholarly discourse. Increasingly, the activities related to promoting their research take place at all stages of the research process: from the discovery stage, through analysis and writing process, through to publishing, outreach, and assessment. 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication project from University of Utrecht (see below) provides a comprehensive mapping of traditional and newer tools to aid research process.
In this guide you will find descriptions of six steps to increased visibility and impact of research activity, and recommendations of tools that can help in this process.
1. Get unique author identifier ORCID to distinguish yourself and your work from that of all other researchers.
ORCID iD, with nearly 2 million users is quickly becoming the identifier of choice for researchers, publishers, funding organizations and research institutions. This identifier is used in manuscript and data submission processes and embedded into metadata to permanently link an author with their research outputs. It is also used by funders to streamline grant application processes and by research organizations to track and report on research activities of their researchers.
2. Share outputs of your research
preprints, conference papers and posters, presentations, research data,
video, code are all evidence of your research activity. By making them
all publicly accessible you increase your visibility, preserve your
outputs and make them available for future use. Moreover, many
research funders in the US and overseas require that both publications
and underlying data are made available in open access. A comprehensive
list of open access requirement for US Federal, US private and
international funders can be found at Carnegie Mellon University Library website.
Great places to make your research outputs available openly are institutional and subject repositories. OpenDOAR is a comprehensive database of open access repositories.
At the University of Pittsburgh, you can deposit your research outputs in d-Scholarship. d-Scholarship can ingest many types of research outputs (including publications, pre-prints, working papers, slides and presentations, dissertations, video and some data sets), is committed to ongoing preservation of these outputs, is indexed by Google for improved discoverability and use and provides statistics of use and impact of deposited materials.
Popular publication subject repositories include:
Sharing research data
A comprehensive list of subject specific and general science data repositories can be found here. General science repositories, such as figshare, Dryad Digital Repository or Mendeley Data, handle a variety of data and may be appropriate for storage of associated analyses, or experimental-control data, as a supplement to the primary data record. Some data sets can also be deposited in University of Pittsburgh’s institutional repository d-Scholarship. Find out more about this option here.
Sharing other research outputs
Slideshare, while not exclusive to the research community, is great for sharing your presentations. It supports PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote and OpenDocument file types and provides basic usage statistics. F1000Research is an option for researchers in life sciences. It allows for free deposit of research posters and presentations (please note that publishing articles on the website incurs processing fees). If you develop code, GitHub may be a great place to deposit it.
Great places to make your research outputs available openly are institutional and subject repositories. OpenDOAR is a comprehensive database of open access repositories.
At the University of Pittsburgh, you can deposit your research outputs in d-Scholarship. d-Scholarship can ingest many types of research outputs (including publications, pre-prints, working papers, slides and presentations, dissertations, video and some data sets), is committed to ongoing preservation of these outputs, is indexed by Google for improved discoverability and use and provides statistics of use and impact of deposited materials.
Popular publication subject repositories include:
- AgEcon (Agriculture and Applied Economics) maintained by University of Minnesota's Department of Applied Economics
- ArXiv - (pre-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics) Currently maintained by Cornell University Library
- CiteSeer - (Computer and Information Science) maintained by College of Information Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State University
- PhilPapers - (Philosophy) maintained by the Center for Digital Philosophy at University of Western Ontario
- PubMedCentral - is a repository for US federally funded research outputs in Medicine. It is required for all publications supported by NIH (and some other US federal agencies) funding to be deposited in PubMedCentral. This site explains the mandate and the process.
Research Papers in Economics (Repec) is a collaborative effort of volunteers in 86 countries to
enhance the dissemination of research in economics and related
sciences. It is a bibliographic database of working papers, journal
articles, books, books chapters and software components.
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN) - aims at early dissemination of social science, business, law and economics research. It allows for deposit of both abstract of working papers and upcoming publications as well as full text of published outputs.
Sharing research data
A comprehensive list of subject specific and general science data repositories can be found here. General science repositories, such as figshare, Dryad Digital Repository or Mendeley Data, handle a variety of data and may be appropriate for storage of associated analyses, or experimental-control data, as a supplement to the primary data record. Some data sets can also be deposited in University of Pittsburgh’s institutional repository d-Scholarship. Find out more about this option here.
Sharing other research outputs
Slideshare, while not exclusive to the research community, is great for sharing your presentations. It supports PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote and OpenDocument file types and provides basic usage statistics. F1000Research is an option for researchers in life sciences. It allows for free deposit of research posters and presentations (please note that publishing articles on the website incurs processing fees). If you develop code, GitHub may be a great place to deposit it.
3. Create and keep up to date online profile (or a web CV)
These could be simply your
personal and institutional web pages or commercial services allowing you
to highlight your professional accomplishments and areas of expertise.
Below you will see a more detailed description of few such tools.
These tools, apart from simply allowing you to list your research
outputs will also provide you with additional information relating to
their use and impact (for instance, citation counts, downloads
or attention on the social web).
Google Scholar Citation Profile
is a popular tool to showcase your research outputs alongside citations
associated with these outputs. It also calculates some basic
bibliometric indicators of impact such as h-index and i10-index. You
can create your GS citation profile by following these simple steps (please note, you will need a Google account before you begin).

- Sign to your Google account, or create one if you don't yet have one. Use a personal account, not an account at your employer, so that you can keep your profile for as long as you wish.
- Once you've signed in to your Google account, the Citations sign up form will ask you to confirm the spelling of your name, and to enter your affiliation, interests, etc. Enter your university email address which would make your profile eligible for inclusion in Google Scholar search results.
- Next, you'll see groups of articles written by people with names similar to yours. Click "Add all articles" next to each article group that is yours, or "See all articles" to add specific articles from that group. If you don't see your articles in these groups, click "Search articles" to do a regular Google Scholar search, and then add your articles one at a time.
- Once you're done with adding articles, GS will ask you what to do when the article data changes in Google Scholar. You can either have the updates applied to your profile automatically, or you can choose to review them beforehand. In either case, you can always go to your profile and make changes by hand.
- Finally, you will see your profile. This is a good time to add a few finishing touches - upload your professional looking photo, visit your university email inbox and click on the verification link, double check the list of articles, and, once you're completely satisfied, make your profile public. Voila - it's now eligible to appear in Google Scholar when someone searches for your name!

Impactstory gets its data from, Mendeley nd tweeter for tracing impact and CrossRef and ORCID for identity management and metadata.

Kudos will monitor:
- number of tweets posted by author to promote the publication
- number of Facebook posts by author to promote the publication
- number of times author has sent email to colleagues/friends with link the publication page on Kudos or with the link to the article page on the publisher’s site
- number of visits to the publication page on Kudos that is generated by sharing activities via email or social media
- total number of visits to publication page on Kudos
- number of times the publication is downloaded from the publisher’s site
- number of times the publication’s abstract is clicked on or viewed on the publisher’s site
- a score generated by (which includes tweets, Mendeley and CiteULike readership)

4. Engage in social networking communities
Another great way to disseminate your research and gain
reputation is through active engagement in research networking
communities. These services will allow you to create profiles, showcase
your research outputs, identify communities of interest and participate
in discussions by posting and answering questions in your network. All
of them will also let you know about impact of your activates in these
networks, for instance downloads of your publications, views of your
profile and levels of your activity as compared to others in the
launched in 2008 and with over five million members, is a very popular academic social network. It is multidisciplinary in scope and has relatively more features compared to its competitors thus supporting more mechanisms for gaining reputation. It can be used for sharing publications, connecting with colleagues, collaboration, Q&A and job searches. It is also one of the few platforms that assign scores to members. It allows members to create detail profile, upload files and monitor impact of their outputs and their own activity in the network. Metrics available in ResearchGate relate to:
- publication count by type (articles, conference papers etc.); publication views by country & by institution; full-text downloads; dataset downloads; full-text requests; Google referrals (for publications); open reviews; citations and impact points
- member profile views by country & by institution; Google referrals (for profiles)
- questions asked; questions answers; numbers of followers and RG Score (a score with a secret algorithm that is calculated based on how other researchers interact with your content). -
is another multidisciplinary academic networking site. It was launched in 2008 and boost over 13 million members. It is good for showcasing publications and provides basic statistics relating to their downloads. It has a strong profile and CV feature, great for showcasing your achievements and expertise. Available measures of impact include counts for: profile views, document views, document downloads, unique visitors, external links to documents, geographic distribution of visitors and referrals.
is a social network for professionals in which people can create a profile, connect with peers, and network. LinkedIn was launched in 2002 and has over 300 million users. It is not specifically designed for academics or researchers; however, you can list your publications and other research outputs, experiences, skills and current and past positions. It is great if you are looking for exposure in broader communities, including industry, business or government.
is a reference manager and academic social network that helps users organize documents, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. Mendeley has been used a source of data for altmetrics, mainly for extracting readership size of articles. It provides following metrics:
- number of followers each member has
- number of people followed by the member
- number of readers for each publication (number of - members have an item in their collection) as well as their geographic location and status
- ranking of publication outlets by readership (e.g. Nature is the top outlet by the number of readership)
5. Blog
Blogging is also a great tool for making your research content
more visible. When you write a blog post, you are creating content that
can be freely shared via social media. Blogs content is freely
available and not limited by publisher restrictions thus potentially
reaching and influencing much wider and diverse audiences. With a blog
you can become part of a network with whom you can share ideas and
engage in discourse in your area of interest. This can enhance your
reputation as an expert in your field, allow you to gain valuable
feedback on ideas and broaden your professional network.
Kelly Oaks, a Guardian science writer has the following suggestions for those interested in starting a blog:
Kelly Oaks, a Guardian science writer has the following suggestions for those interested in starting a blog:
•Figure out why you want to blog and who your targeted audience is (potential collaborator, employer, guy on the street)
•Set it up (WordPress or Tumblr?)
•Join a blog network (e.g. ResearchBlogging or ScienceBlogs - see below for more detail)
•Find and stick to your niche
•Link to others and credit their work
•Remember the headline and keywords (so Google can find you)
•Promote your blog on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
•Be regular in your habit
Great tips on how to turn your research article into a blog entry comes from Patrick Dunleavy, Political Science Professor at London School of Economics.
is a great site for those who write blogs about peer-review research in Anthropology, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Ecology and Conservation, Geosciences, Health, Mathematics, Medicine, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Science, Research and Scholarship.
is another aggregator for blogs discussing research across all disciplines from medicine and physical science to humanities. It is "by invitation only".
6. Tweet
Twitter is an increasingly popular tool for researchers to
popularize their research and build reputation. Below are some tips on
how use it effectively.
- Have a decent profile picture and text - this is how people will find you.
- Use the Twitter search (or Google search) to find topics that interest you - this will allow you to find and follow people working in your area - and they may, in turn, follow you back. If someone follows you, unless they are selling snake oil, follow them back.
- Look out for hash tags for events in your field (conferences/seminars). Follow them, even (some would say, especially) if you aren’t there. Comment on tweets that interest you or where you have something to say.
- Set up search alerts to keep abreast of activity that’s of interest to you.
- Use a decent Twitter app on your mobile and desktop devices to manage your activity. (e.g. TweetDeck on the desktop and Echofon on your mobile device)
- Tweet when your community is most active, and most likely to see your stuff. Use a service like Buffer to schedule tweets if you are normally tied up in labs or classes when your audience is active.
- Make use of Twitter lists to organize people you follow into thematic groups so that you don’t miss key things.
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