In order to improve the quality of systematic researches, various tools have been developed by well-known scientific institutes sporadically. Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim has collected these sporadic tools under one roof in a collection named “Research Tool Box”. The toolbox contains over 720 tools so far, classified in 4 main categories: Literature-review, Writing a paper, Targeting suitable journals, as well as Enhancing visibility and impact factor.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Why the Blockchain is Highly Relevant for Scholarly Communication
Author: Dr. Joris van Rossum More information about the the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center on the Internet, on Twitter or on Facebook.
allows for decentralised, self-regulating data, creating a shared
infrastructure where all transactions are saved and stored. Scientific
information in its essence is a large, dynamic body of information and
data that is collaboratively created, altered, used and shared. It lends
itself well to the blockchain technology.
Current challenges in scholarly communication
researchers want to communicate their findings, they usually use
different — and to a large extent disconnected — systems in their
research workflow. For example, spreadsheets or lab software are used to
capture the results of an experiment. When results are collected, an
article is written using a local writing application or on a cloud-based
collaborative writing tool. The article is then submitted to a
publisher through a submission system. After review and acceptance the
manuscript is converted to PDF and HTML, and hosted on a publisher
platform, where it can be downloaded. Access to this publisher platform
is often facilitated by librarians. Citations are collected in citation
databases which are distributed through librarians or via freely
accessible databases.
is problematic for several reasons. First of all, research only becomes
accessible at the point of publication. Everything that took place
before — such as collecting and analysing data, peer review — is not
transparent. This leads to problems around reproducibility, i.e. the
inability of researchers to reproduce experiments and thereby validating
the conclusions made in research papers, which is a cornerstone of the
scientific method. In a 2016 poll on, two-thirds of
respondents indicated that current levels of reproducibility are a major
problem, with 52% saying that there is a ‘significant crisis’.[1]
with peer review — the process whereby research papers are evaluated by
peers in the same field before a paper is published in a journal,
remains opaque. There is also a lack of visibility and recognition for
reviewers, with their review work remaining largely unnoticed. Scientific
results are primarily published in academic journals, which have a
strong tendency to publish positive and novel results. Moreover,
scientists themselves are more inclined to report on their successful
outcomes than on failed experiments. A lot of research that did not lead
to positive results, therefore, remains unpublished, and unknown.
as the productivity of researchers is predominantly measured in terms
of journal article output, scientific effort leading to negative results
and non-research activities (e.g. reviewing articles and grants,
sitting on scientific committees, or even micro-contributions such as
participation in brainstorms, informal comments) are undervalued.
there are challenges in research and scholarly communication that have
to do with commercial interests. Research is essentially a
non-commercial activity, but ironically the business of scholarly
communication is one of the most lucrative industries in the world,
dominated by a few large publishing giants[2].
This causes several issues. High prices charged by commercial
publishers for subscriptions challenges library budgets, and implies
that not all content is made accessible to scientists at institutions.
Partly as a reaction to the problems associated with the subscription
model, Open Access, the model whereby payment is shifted from the reader
or library to the author granting universal access to the article, has
been introduced. But several decades after its introduction, still only a
minority of articles are open access. Moreover, open access has
introduced its own set of problems, such as the incentive of publishers
to accept articles potentially leading to less rigorous quality norms,
and the appearance of so-called predatory publishers, exploitative
publishers that charge publication fees to authors without providing the
editorial and publishing services that are associated with legitimate
How could the blockchain help scholarly communication?
introduction of blockchain technology to scholarly communication could
mean that many of these challenges are eliminated. Working on a
blockchain would mean that whenever scientists create or interact with
content in whatever way and at whatever stage, their interaction will be
stored in a single platform. A big advantage that the blockchain brings
is that the platform is decentralised, which means that there is no
single owner, although everyone has access to the same information.
Moreover, in a science blockchain, critical aspects of scholarly
communication such as trust, credit, universal access and — where
required — anonymity, can be realised and safeguarded. Its potential
relates to almost all stages in the researcher’s workflow.
Research & Data
Dr. Soenke Bartling is a German radiologist and founder of Blockchain for Science,
a think tank based in Berlin. Launched in 2016, its aim is to ‘open up
science and knowledge creation by means of the blockchain (r)evolution’.
Besides meetings, hackathons and stimulating knowledge sharing through its online platform, the organisation also launched and maintains a living document on blockchain and science, collecting ideas on how blockchain could open up science and knowledge creation.
to Soenke and his group, an open, permissioned blockchain instead of
separate, disconnected systems would bring significant advantages to
researchers on various levels. It would make larger parts of the
research cycle open to self-correction, and could, therefore, be a new
potential to addressing the reproducibility and credibility crisis as
well as reducing overhead thereby accelerating the scientific process.
The team has collected, and proposes, an impressive number of
applications of a blockchain for science:
blockchain could provide a notarisation function by allowing scientists
to post a text or file with ideas, results or simply data. These
time-stamped records would allow scientists to claim information or
ideas, if needed anonymised. This could potentially replace the function
of patent offices.
designs could be registered using the blockchain, which would prevent
the arbitrary suppression of research studies in case results do not
meet expectations or the retrospective alteration of study designs.
Moreover, smart contracts could be used so that research protocols are
set in ‘blockchain stone’ before the data is collected, and the
processing and analysis would be automated. This ‘smart evidence’ would
prevent ex-post facto hypothesising and could be especially relevant to
the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, this could be done
while maintaining data autonomy and subject privacy through
cryptographic protection.
data could be automatically uploaded, time-stamped and where necessary,
encrypted by devices (the intersection of the blockchain with the
internet-of-things), which would speed up the research workflow and make
it less prone to error. Another advantage of having research data
available on the blockchain is that computational power available within
the network could be used for processing, statistical analysis and
calculations. Having information shared on the blockchain provides the
opportunity for a marketplace for science where labs or groups
specialise in specific aspects of the research workflow. Some labs will
collect the data, others will carry out the statistical analysis etc. It
could also accelerate the potential for collaboration.
peer review process could greatly improve through the blockchain. Data
underlying the published results could be made available. This would not
only improve reproducibility in general, but also allow reviewers to do
their work more thoroughly. Encryption allows reviews to be validated
but remain anonymous and stored permanently. Moreover, post-publication
review in various forms could be integrated easily.
and hypotheses can be submitted anonymously using the blockchain
fostering more innovation. With the lack of peer pressure, researchers
are encouraged to think more freely and share ideas that cannot
immediately be placed in contemporary paradigms.
1: How blockchain could open the scientific process. Traditional
science only becomes open at the point of publication. Although the
pre-registration of studies and the publication of data opens up
research at multiple stages, a blockchained science would do that in the
most comprehensive way.
“blockchained” science would make the research process up to
publication significantly more open and transparent, argues Dr Bartling.
in science bears the unique chance to realign science’s incentive
structures with honesty, effectiveness, collaboration and true
Disseminating Content
of the main roles of a publisher is the dissemination of content. After
manuscripts are reviewed and accepted by an editorial board, publishers
distribute the content to the academic community. Today, this happens
largely through online platforms with subscriptions or open access fees
as underlying business models. Blockchain holds the promise to change
how publishers serve as middlemen in the dissemination process. The role
of blockchain has been researched predominantly in general (i.e.
non-academic) publishing, where the move to online has led to a shift in
revenue allocation from content creators and publishing companies to
hosting companies, social media giants, and advertising intermediates.
To some extent, this is caused by an inherent characteristic of the World Wide Web,
namely the use of hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are one-way pointers to
content but do not point back to the users that click on them. Hence,
there is no mechanism for allowing small automatic payments for usage.
Given this, the only choice for publishers is to open up content and
base a business model on advertising, or impose unfriendly paywalls with
expensive credit card payments.
An interesting potential dimension of the blockchain is digital rights management.
The coupling of usage to micropayments already makes rights management
more straightforward, but digital rights can also relate to more complex
aspects like reuse, permissions and royalties that are currently
intermediated through large institutions and complex products.
The combination of a central database with smart contracts could bring
huge advantages. Through the blockchain, ownership of content is
automatically established, and the use of content and the payment of
royalties are executed through smart contracts in which the rights are
An additional advantage of content being disseminated via the blockchain is that usage can be accurately counted.
Currently, content is downloaded and shared via different platforms
(e.g. publisher platforms, ResearchGate, PubMed Central), which makes
the tracking of usage difficult. This is problematic not only for
publishers, but also for researchers and institutions for whom
readership and usage is an important metric. A blockchain would make
usage counting and reporting both accurate and simple at the same time.
blockchain publishing system could potentially disintermediate the
publisher itself. It allows authors to upload content, set the prices,
after which the content is distributed and, if required, paid for
without the need of a publisher. Or it could simply mean that the role
of publishers shifts, focusing on providing services like copying
editing and peer review (which ensures quality but of also serves as an
important filtering mechanism through which content is brought to the
most relevant academic community) instead of providing a platform for
disseminating content, which would be established through the
New Metrics & Alternative Economic Models
on the blockchain could have a huge impact on the way researchers build
their reputation and become recognised. The big advantage of a
blockchain for research is that all activities of scientists can be
automatically stored. Whenever a researcher uploads data, performs
statistical analysis, writes and submits an article or reviews a
manuscript, this is automatically tracked and recorded. By working on a
blockchain, the risk of fraud is significantly reduced making it
significantly easier to collect reliable and complete data on the
performance of researchers, research groups and universities. This would
allow for more sophisticated as well as reliable metrics to be built on
top of that. Moreover, it will allow metrics to be based on activities
that are currently not well not well recognised (e.g., peer review).
science blockchain could accompany the introduction of a
cryptocurrency, which would add an economic layer to the blockchain.
This ‘bitcoin for science’ could be used to make micro payments to
publishers for consuming content, and could also introduce a monetary
reward scheme to researchers themselves. For example, the blockchain
could disintermediate publishers and reward authors directly with
cryptocurrencies that can be used to purchase other content or services.
It could also introduce rewards for scientific activities, such as peer
review, statistical support, exchange of lab equipment, outsourcing
specific research, or the hosting of data. Eventually, initial coin
offerings (ICOs),
a form of crowdfunding using cryptocurrencies, could be used to fund
entire research projects. In this way, a crypto economy could evolve in
science reflecting the value merits of a number of activities.
Concrete Initiatives
recent years, several applications have been developed that allow for
content distribution coupled with micropayments that flow directly to
the producers of content. DECENT is a Swiss-based organisation that has built a blockchain driven content distribution
platform. Through this platform, which was launched in June 2017,
digital media content including audio, video, text, software and video
games can be distributed in a decentralised network of individuals and
organisations. Content can be paid for with micropayments at prices set
by the content owners.
Similar platforms have been developed by Boston-based LBRY and Amsterdam-based Katalysis.
Although these platforms were developed to remove middlemen that do not
play a large role in scholarly communication, they could be applied to
change the commercial landscape in scholarly communication. For example,
the platforms allow micropayments to be made for individual content
items in a simple way. The Open Access and subscription based models
both come with disadvantages, and the use of micropayments could form
the basis of a reasonable and sustainable business model whereby content
is paid according to usage.
recently, initiatives were launched that aim to apply the blockchain
technology on all of its potential levels as described in this report. Scienceroot,
based in Romania, aims to build a complete blockchain-based scientific
ecosystem including a collaboration and funding platform, as well as a
journal. Pluto,
a South-Korean initiative, equally ambitious aims to become
decentralized scholarly communication platform powered by ethereum
blockchain. All actions and transactions on the platform are planned to
be transparently open to the public and manipulation-free, and tokens
are used to reward scientists for activities such as peer review. Both
initiatives touch all aspect of the potential for blockchain that were
highlighted: storing and sharing research and data, the dissemination of
content, and the introduction of new metrics & alternative economic
So will scholarly communication take place on the blockchain?
light of its obvious advantages over the current ecosystem, it is
tempting to predict that scholarly communication and other research
activities will eventually take place on the blockchain. Its potential
impact touches many, if not all, challenges around scholarly
communication, especially those to do with trust, reproducibility,
transparency, and access. However, there are also reasons to be
has evolved over hundreds of years, and with its history comes a
significant amount of legacy in technology, systems, organisation as
well culture. This legacy makes any change difficult, despite the
challenges associated with the current system. As already mentioned, the
adoption of online publishing has been swift in the academic world, but
this transition has predominantly impacted the mode of dissemination of
content and has left other fundamental aspects such as business models,
credit systems and peer review untouched.
there is an aspect of blockchain that makes a transition to this
technology even more challenging. Adopting a blockchain for research
successfully implies that it is adopted widely, and this requires a
fundamental transformation on the level of funders, institutions,
publishers, as well as scientists themselves, which increases the level
of change required.
likelihood and success of a blockchain for scholarly communication
would also depend on its level of implementation. For example,
information stored on the blockchain could be restricted to traditional
researcher roles, publications and use of content (e.g. authorship of
scientific articles, usage and citations). But it could also reward
unconventional roles and affect wider aspects of the research workflow
including peer review, publication of datasets, hypotheses, etc., which
would increase the level of complexity. The blockchain, however, could
have an even broader scope, transcending scholarly communication. As we
have already seen, lab equipment and resources could be shared amongst
research groups using the blockchain, with aspects such as credit or
financial compensation being managed through the platform. Funding could
also take place using a blockchain, and spending could be tracked and
made transparent. Distribution of funds amongst scientists could be
managed and supported by smart contracts, and a money-back functionality
built in dealing with irreproducible results or fraud. The more
fundamental the application of the blockchain, the higher the level of
complexity will become. In connection to this, an essential question is
whether the blockchain will be embraced by existing players (e.g.
publishers), or whether it will be successfully introduced by external
parties, such as Scienceroot and Pluto, and potentially disrupt the
current ecosystem.
scholarly communication takes place on a blockchain will also depend on
developments in adjacent fields. In education, for example, blockchain
developments are moving at a faster pace. Blockcerts, developed by MIT’s Media Lab and Learning Machine,
is an open initiative that has introduced verifiable blockchain-based
certificates for academic credentials (amongst others). Another example
is Sony, who announced in
the summer of 2017 that it has finished developing a digital system for
storing and managing educational records on the blockchain (that such
no such system currently exists undoubtedly increases the speed of
adoption in this area). Obviously there is an overlap between an
educational record and the academic record of a scientist, so it is
possible that developments in education may speed up the development of a
blockchain in research as well (for example, a framework or protocol
used for a blockchain for education could be reused for a more general
protocol or framework for science).
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More information about the the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center on the Internet, on Twitter or on Facebook.
Dr. Joris van Rossum is currently leading the recently launched Blockchain for Peer Review initiative. You can contact him via Twitter (@JorisRossum) or connect with him on LinkedIn (
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