Saturday, 13 February 2016

Altmetrics: A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics


A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics

Edited by Andy Tattersall

This book gives an overview of altmetrics, their tools and how to implement them successfully to boost your research output.

New methods of scholarly communication and dissemination of
information are having a huge impact on how academics and researchers
build profiles and share research.

This groundbreaking and highly practical guide looks at the role that
library and information professionals can play in facilitating these
new ways of working and demonstrating impact and influence.

The book explains the theory behind the growing altmetrics –
alternative metrics for measuring scholarly impact, from social networks
such as Twitter and blogs to online platforms such as Mendeley,
ResearchGate and – movement, how it came about, why it
can help improve academics and their research profiles and where it sits
amongst current measurements of impact.

Drawing on the expertise of leading altmetric innovators and the LIS
professionals using their tools, the book explains the connections
between research and social media and how academics can use the
multitude of tools freely available to them for their own benefits.

Altmetrics will empower librarians, researchers and
academics to develop the skills and knowledge needed to introduce and
support altmetrics within their own institutions.

Readership: Library and information professionals
working higher education, research bodies, government bodies and
charities; researchers, academics, higher education leaders and

1. Introduction - Andy Tattersall 

2. Road map: From web 2.0 to altmetrics - Andy Tattersall 

3. "Metrics of the trade": where have we come from? - Andrew Booth 

4. The rise of altmetrics - Euan Adie 

5. Alt meets metric - William Gunn 

6. The evolution of library metrics - Ben Showers

7. Considerations for implementing new technologies -  Andy Tattersall 

8. Resources and tools - Andy Tattersall 

9. Appmetrics - improving impact on the go - Claire Beecroft 

10. The connected academic - implementing altmetrics within your organisation - Andy Tattersall 

11. Post-publication peer review - Andy Tattersall 

12. Conclusion - Andy Tattersall

Andy Tattersall BA (Hons) (University of
Sheffield), MSc (University of Sheffield) FHEA is an Information
Specialist at the School of Health and Related Research at the
University of Sheffield.  He is also secretary of the Chartered
Institute of Library and Information Professionals Multi-Media and
Information Technology Committee and a Mendeley Advisor for the social
reference management software company.

1. Introduction Andy Tattersall

The purpose of this chapter is to give an introduction and context to
the book and the theme. It will give an overview as to the changes
within academia right now that include Open Access, MOOCs, learning
technologies and Altmetrics. It will explain why this change is
happening, how it is all connected and how library and information
professionals should pay heed to it.

2. Road map: from Web 2.0 to Altmetrics - Andy Tattersall 

Many of the tools that form part of the Altmetrics movement pre-date
the term and go back to the creation of the second phase of the Web: Web
2.0. This chapter explains how library and information professionals
and academics have paid more heed to Social Media in recent times and in
turn this has given rise to the term Altmetrics

3. “Metrics of the trade”: where have we come from? - Andrew Booth

To appreciate the significance of Altmetrics a reader first needs to
understand from where established academic metrics have originated. This
chapter will offer useful linkages between the past and present of
metrics with a particular focus on manipulation and game-playing. It
will conclude by considering the role of metrics in a world increasingly
inhabited by open access publication.

4. The rise of Altmetrics - Euan Adie

The Altmetrics movement got its name and captured the scholarly
communication community's imagination in 2010 but the history of the
field goes back much further. Three powerful influences came together to
enable alternative metrics to start moving towards the mainstream:
publishers going digital, funders broadening their definition of impact
and researchers seeking to get proper credit where credit is due.

5. Alt meets metric - William Gunn

This chapter will discuss how Altmetrics convey additional
information about research impact that is not captured by traditional
metrics. The increasing use of Altmetrics by funding organizations,
publishers, and tenure and promotion committees shows that there is
broad awareness of the limitations of traditional citation-based metrics
and the need to move beyond the paper-based mind-set to take advantage
of the more diverse forms of communication enabled by the Internet.

6. The evolution of library metrics - Ben Showers

As content and services are increasingly delivered via the web, so
metrics are evermore based on web interactions between users and the
content, and between users themselves and the social filters they are
using, such as: Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and so on. Drawing upon current
library examples, this chapter will introduce readers to the
implications of evolving scholarly and service metrics for libraries and
the ways cultural heritage institutions, such as museums and galleries,
are exploiting and realising the value of the data generated as users
interact with content and resources both through the digital library and
on the open web.

7. Resources and tools - Andy Tattersall

This chapter will guide the reader through the myriad of tools and
resources available to help promote and share scholarly output. The
chapter will describe the catalogue of tools and techniques that library
and information professionals can utilise or teach to academics and
support staff to help get their research out into the World. The
technologies will be broken-up into various streams and platforms for
easier understanding, with considerations and implications for usage.

8. Appmetrics - improving impact on the go - Claire Beecroft

Mobile devices have increased enormously in popularity over the last
five years, but many academic staff lack awareness of the apps they
could be using to promote their outputs and improve impact on the go.
This chapter will identify an essential "toolkit" of apps and
demonstrate how activities undertaken on a mobile device can be fitted
into a flexible working day to encourage use of important networks such
as Twitter

9. The connected academic - implementing Altmetrics within your organisation - Andy Tattersall

Information and library professionals experience major problems
implementing change, especially in academia. Reduced budgets are one
reason, but the cultural fabric of their organisations and fields of
practice is the principal problem. When trying to change organisational
practice it is common to come up against a myriad of reasons why
colleagues and students are reluctant to explore new ways of working.
This chapter will look at the two issues facing information
professionals in their task of providing their organisations with
relevant skills regarding Altmetrics.

10. What lies ahead for scholarly measurement and Altmetrics

The purpose of this chapter will be to invite the innovators,
protagonists and advocates of the Altmetrics movement to discuss the
future of measuring scholarly output. Why things are changing and
whether ultimately we can have a perfect way to measure impact.

11. Conclusion - Andy Tattersall

The final chapter will look at the evidence from the previous 10
chapters and summarise the developments, benefits and pitfalls that
information and library professionals face when contemplating new ways
of promoting and measuring academic content.

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