Researchers: how to improve your “impact”

Yesterday, my colleague Sheryl Adam and I gave a workshop on citation metrics.
Despite the criticism of bibliometrics in academic circles, there
is every sign to suggest that citation metrics are here to stay.
Academic librarians are key to understanding this area of measuring
research and its impact. The question I am hearing in medicine more and
more: how can I improve my research impact? Here are some suggestions:
- Curate your own research profiles using Google Scholar profiles or academic social networking sites such as, ResearchGate, LinkedIn
- Use standard forms of your name, institutional affiliations & address. To help you, create an ORCID or Researcher ID profile to be more easily findable on the web
- Think about using Mendeley, Zotero or CiteULike.
- Deposit your publications (drafts or final paper depending on
copyright policies of your publishers) in an institutional repository or
PubMedCentral Canada. Make your research, and that of your peers, more findable. - Use metadata
to describe your research papers, and carefully select keywords for
your publications. Make it possible for search engines to find you
easily. - Publish in journals with a high impact factor (IF) and use Web of Science or Scopus to find IFs (try SCImago too)
- Collaborate with researchers worldwide, and be more social in social
spaces. Present preliminary findings of your research at meetings and
conferences - Build your Hirsch index (h-index)
- Start a blog (see LSE Impact Blog) or contribute to Wikipedia
- Consider communicating information about your research using Twitter or create a Twitter hashtag #
Bibliometrics: Highlighting Your Track Record: Using Metrics in Your CV (presentation)
Standing on the shoulders of the Google giant: Sustainable discovery and Google Scholar’s comprehensive coverage.
Researchers: how to improve your “impact” | The Search Principle: views are my own
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