Sunday 4 June 2017

Author Impact - Measuring Research Impact - Library Guides at UC Berkeley


Measuring Research Impact: Author Impact

Learn how to measure the impact of your research.

Measuring Author Impact

An author's impact on their field or discipline has traditionally
been measured using the number of academic publications he or she has
authored and the number of times these publications are cited by other
researchers.  Thus, a simple way to demonstrate your impact is to create
a comprehensive list of your publications and the number of times they
have been cited.

Different algorithms have been created that calculate an author
impact 'score' using data on their publications. Below are a few metrics
you may encounter:

Remember that while citation metrics such as author impact
measurements provide some representation of the impact of research in a
field, they have limitations and should be used with care.

Calculating Author Impact Using Web of Science

Web of Science
is a large, interdisciplinary database that tracks citations. One way
to view your author metrics in Web of Science is to register for ResearcherID and add publications to your author profile (using ORCID, EndNote, Web of Science, etc.).

Another method:

Do an author search in Web of Science
by (1) using the arrow to change a Basic Search to an Author Search, OR
(2) using the arrow to change a Topic search to an Author search.
Depending on how common your name is, you may want to add an
organization (affiliation) to your search.

Web of Science Search

Next, in the search results, select the publications that are yours
and use the checkboxes to add them to a Marked List. View your Marked
List using the link in the upper right, then use Create Citation Report
to view a citation report, h-index, etc. that you can then export or

Web of Science Search Results

Calculating Author Impact Using Scopus

Scopus is a
multi-disciplinary database that indexes journal articles, conference
publications, and more. Complete citation data is available from 1996 to
present, so citation data prior to 1996 may be incomplete.

To calculate measures of your author impact in Scopus, first do an author search by entering information in this search form:

Author Search in Scopus

You will then get a list of author profiles that match your search
criteria - you can click on the linked name to view the author profile.
Because your name may appear differently in different publications, or
your affiliation may have changed, you may want to skim the list and
select all matches. Documents with insufficient data to be matched to an
author profile can be included by selecting Show Profile Matches with One Document from the top of the page. If necessary, you can also use the criteria on the left side to narrow the list.

Once you've selected all variations of your name, you can show
documents, view a citation overview that includes the h-index, or
request to merge authors into a single profile. You can print or export
the citation overview.

Scopus author search results

Calculating Author Impact Using Google Scholar

Once you've created a Google Scholar Profile,
it is easy to add publications and see your h-index and i10-index.
Publications like theses, books, and reports that might not be included
in Scopus or Web of Science can be added in Google Scholar and will
contribute to your citation count. However, you should check data in
Google Scholar carefully, since it can be more prone to errors and

Caution about Author Impact Calculations

Because databases like Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar
differ in the content that they include, it is likely that your
citation counts, and even your h-index, will be different depending on
which database you use.

Publish or Perish

Author Impact - Measuring Research Impact - Library Guides at UC Berkeley

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