Literature search — download a helpful handout for library users in their most desperate hour

In a time when information seeking is so ubiquitous and often so
poorly executed, librarians play a key role in transforming library
users into information-literate lifelong learners. When convenience can
trump trusted scholarly and news publications:
“This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Librarians. You're my only hope.” — Princess Leia ... paraphrased
Literature Search: a librarian’s handout to introduce tools, terms and techniques
developed by Katy Kavanagh Webb, Head of Research and Instructional
Services at East Carolina University’s Joyner Library, and Library
Connect can assist. “It’s not a replacement for librarian-led
instruction,” says Katy, “but it can act as a calling card to introduce
key concepts or as a leave-behind visual reminder to continue these best
practices when we librarians are no longer in the room.”
Each page of the handout can stand alone (social media posts anyone?) or be used together as a teaching tool that covers:
Keywords, operators and filters
Search tools
Types of literature
Evaluate information
Organize research
Download Literature Search handout (five 8.5x11" pages)

Download Literature Search poster (one 11x34" page); also available as two 11x17" pages

Contact if you have difficulty downloading any of the files.
Library Connect would also like to thank the Library Connect
Librarians Feedback Group for their early feedback in helping to shape
the handout.

Katy Kavanagh Webb
Literature search — download a helpful handout for library users in their most desperate hour | Library Connect
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