Tuesday, 14 June 2022

What is Research Impact?

 Source: https://guides.library.ualberta.ca/research-impact

What is Research Impact?

“Impact” is a broad term that encompasses the reach and influence of a researcher’s work. There are several ways to communicate the value of your research. Measuring and conveying your research impact are crucial for improving research grant applications, supporting tenure application and promotions, and connecting with other researchers and project collaborators.

Some examples include:

  • Who is citing your work?
  • Has your work influenced other kinds of tangible outcomes? (e.g. development of new instruments, methods, or practice based on your research)
  • Have news sources picked up your research and shared it with the masses?

Areas of Impact Measurement

Research Impact Tools

Many metrics and tools are available to help you analyze and share your research impact. 

Visualization Tools

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