Monday, 6 June 2022

Search Engine Optimization for academic works


Search Engine Optimization for academic works

Academic search engine optimization can help your scholarly works stand out in a crowded online environment by ensuring that your article is indexed in major academic search engines such as Google Scholar and more.  The links below provide tips for articles and books.

Sharing functional links

The best kind of shareable link is one that will work provide stable, long term access to the final version of your work to the widest audience possible.

Publishing in an Open Access journal, or archiving your work in PRISM (our institutional repository), is a reliable way to provide a link that will work for everyone who might want to access your work.

If you are publishing with a journal that requires readers to purchase articles (either through subscriptions or pay-per-view), here are some tips to make your article more widely accessible:

  • Ask for an author link (variously called eprint links, share links, etc) that will allow you to share your article with a limited number of friends/colleagues, regardless of whether they have a subscription to that journal.
  • Most publishers will allow you to archive some version of your paper in PRISM.  The Author rights page provides more information on assessing publisher policies and negotiating for your rights.

Using social and professional networks

Let your networks know that you've published something new by posting it on social networks, academic networking sites, and your blog if you have one.  These sites are crawled by major search engines and may also provide "alerting" features to your network.  

Many publishers have specific tips and tools for promoting your work through social and media channels.

Related guide

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