When you come to submit your work to journals, you want to
identify the most appropriate and successful journals in your field.
Publishing in high-quality peer-reviewed journals will enhance your
reputation and help get your work cited by others. (See
peer reviewed journals to find out more about identifying journals in your subject area.)
Open Access publishing might help your article to reach more
people because it is a way of removing the subscription barrier. You can
also find out more about the journals in your subject area which have
the highest impact factor, which is an average measure of how many times
the articles in that journal are cited.
Factors to consider are described in detail in the links on the below:
How do I find out about a journal?
If you already have a list of journal titles that you think might
be appropriate for you to target, here is a check list of sources of
information and factors to consider, about those journals:
- Look at the journal's home page on the publisher's website.
You'll probably find this through Google, and it will give you lots of
information, often including calls for papers. Look at who the editors
are and consider whether you know (or can get to know) any of them! Note
that the journal's home page on the publisher's website is not always
the same as the journal's record on a content provider's website:
sometimes the library subscription is directly with the publisher, but
at other times we use an aggregator service
- Is it peer reviewed? It will probably state this on the journal's home page, but in any case you can check the Ulrich's Periodicals Directory for this information (The term "refereed" is more commonly used in the US but means the same thing as peer reviewed)
- Is it open access? Sometimes journals can be hybrid and will
offer you an open access option for a fee, even if they appear not to be
open access journals. Look out for such options on the journal home
page. If you have research funding that mandates open access publishing
and allows you to claim for such fees or use one of the block grants,
then you should investigate open access further
- Does it have a high impact factor?
This might or might not matter to you: after all, your paper will have
maximum impact if published in the right title for your particular
subject, which might not have such an impressive impact factor. However,
you might like to target the high impact journals first.
- Is it really the right title for your article? Try subscribing
to the table of contents for a particular journal, either by RSS feed
or by e-mail Zetoc is one of
many alerting services that would help you to do this. Journals also
often have detailed scope notes that will help guide you on the kinds of
content they are looking for
- What do your peers say about these journals? If you're just
starting out in your career, you could also look at where the
established authors are publishing and target the same publications.
Look out for their personal web pages and their publications as listed
How do I identify peer-reviewed journals?
This page briefly describes what peer-reviewed journals are, and
how you can identify suitable titles to which you may want to submit
your work.
What are peer-reviewed journals?
Peer reviewed journals are those containing only articles that
have been evaluated by academic experts. Many articles are changed and
improved through the peer review, before publication, and peer reviewed
journals may also reject a high proportion of the articles submitted to
them. Having your work published in such a journal will raise your
profile and act as a seal of quality for the work you produce.
How can I check if a journal I know the title of is peer-reviewed?
The main source of information on journal titles is called
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
(often simply called Ulrich's). Search this source for the journal you
are interested in. When you find the title you want, check to see if it
has the "refereed" icon next to its title, which looks a little like a
sports shirt! If there is no such icon, it may be worth checking the
journal's own web site. The lack of an icon on Ulrich's simply means
that they do not know that the title
is peer reviewed, so it
may still be a peer reviewed title even if there is no such icon. You
need to use an on- campus computer to access Ulrich's.
Some indexing databases only index the contents of journals that
are peer-reviewed, or offer you a filtered search of only peer reviewed
titles. An example is the Web of Science databases, available via the
Web of Knowledge service.
How can I locate journals in a specific subject (especially if that subject is new to me)?
You can search a database that covers the subject you're
interested in to find articles on a similar topic to yours (use the
subject guides in the "
section of the library's website to find subject specific databases).
Scan the results to identify the journal titles that crop up most
Check the database's help pages - if the database only indexes
peer-reviewed journals then you know these articles have gone through
the reviewing process. If you cannot find this information, note down
the names of the most frequently-occurring journals and check them as
described in the section above.
How do I know a journal is of high quality?
The fact that a journal is peer reviewed is in itself a mark of a
certain level of quality. As you'd expect, though, some journals are of
higher quality than others. One of the main ways of determining the
prestige of a journal within its given field is to check its
impact factor.
Don't forget also to consult colleagues, who may have a good knowledge
of which are the most prestigious journals in your subject area.
What are impact factors and how would I use them?
A journal's impact factor is based on how often articles
published in that journal during the previous two years (e.g. 2000 and
2001) were cited by articles published in a particular year (e.g. 2002).
The higher a journal's impact factor, the more frequently articles in
that journal are cited by other articles. The impact factor can
therefore give an approximate indication of how prestigious a journal is
in its field.
There are different measures of impact factors, taken across
different numbers of years, so be careful that you are comparing like
with like. Impact factors are calculated by the
Thomson Reuters
(formerly known as Thomson ISI or Thomson Scientific). Not all journals
have impact factors, and the importance of impact factors will vary
between disciplines. They nevertheless provide a useful pointer to the
more important journals in your subject.
The Eigenfactor is another way to estimate a journal's standing
within the academic community and it also counts numbers of citations to
a journal, but it weights those from other high impact journals higher.
In this way, it works similarly to Google's PageRank.
Instructions on how to find a journal's impact factor are given below.
How do I find a journal's impact factor?
Use the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) available through the
Web of Knowledge
service. To check the impact factor of a specific journal you can
search by title. Otherwise, you can browse by subject (subject
categories are brought together in the Science and Social Science
You can sort the information in many different ways - you will
most likely wish to rank journals according to their impact factor. In
addition to the impact factor you can check other aspects of a journal,
such as
immediacy index (a measure of how soon after
publication the "average" article is cited - useful in comparing how
quickly different journals are cited).
What is Open Access publishing?
In this context open access means research literature that has
been made publicly and freely accessible. It can be reused without
licensing restrictions for research, teaching or other purposes.
Open access is compatible with all forms of quality control and
all the major open access initiatives insist on rigorous peer-review
processes. Decisions on what to make open access are controlled by the
copyright holders and use of open access material must be properly
What are the benefits of Open Access?
Open Access benefits both the author of the research and the audience.
- Visibility - there is growing evidence that
open access material is more likely to be found, read and cited than
work solely published in traditional journals. This visibility can also
help to attract prospective collaborators and research students
- Discoverability - open access repositories, such as the Warwick Research Archive Portal
(WRAP), are optimised to allow for better indexing and visibility in
popular search engines, including Google and Google Scholar
- Access - open access benefits researchers
working independently, in small companies and in developing countries
where the cost of subscription previously prevented access
- Compliance - most research funders now mandate open access for funded research outputs
How is work made open access?
Today open access is chiefly achieved through two main routes;
Green OA and
Gold OA.
- Green OA works alongside traditional
publishing models and allows authors to take advantage of both
traditional journal publishing and open access availability. At Warwick
this is supported by WRAP, a service that makes permitted versions of
research outputs available while the final version remains with the
publisher. There are no charges to the author or Funders with Green OA.
The WRAP team check publishers' permissions to ensure compliance with
agreements you have made with your publisher. More information »
- Gold OA refers to the Open Access Publishing
model. This can be alongside articles in a traditional subscription
journal (often known as hybrid OA) or in a journal that
only publishes open access articles. These open access articles are
peer reviewed in the normal way and made freely available to the world
immediately upon publication. These journals cover their costs either
through a subsidy from an institution or professional society or through
charging an article processing charge or APC to be paid by the author
or the author’s sponsor (employer, funding agency)
How can I make my work open access?
There are many ways in which you can get involved in the Open Access movement, here are a few ways for you to start:
- Deposit your articles to WRAP
- Consider using an open access journal for your next publication. The Directory of Open Access Journals currently lists 8372 open access journals and more are being added all the time
- Take advantage of the funds/deals available to University researchers:
- RCUK provides the institution with a fund to cover APCs on its funded research
- The Wellcome Trust has granted the University a fund to cover APCs for Wellcome Trust funded research
- The Library's subscriptions to BioMed Central and to the Royal Society entitles University researchers to a discount on the article processing charges
How should I prepare manuscripts for submission?
Each journal will have its own submission guidelines covering
aspects such as article length, subscription style, communication
procedures, etc. A couple of examples are below:
You can discover these in two ways - if you have a print copy of
the journal you can consult the Notes for Authors/Contributors (usually
found at the front or back of the journal), or in many cases by
consulting the journal's home page on the Web. To find the journal's
home page, do a search for the journal on
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and, once you've found the title you want, click through to the publisher information.
Reference management software products like RefWorks and EndNote
can help you prepare manuscripts for submission. They each have hundreds
of output styles to choose from, most of which are output styles for
specific journals. With both RefWorks and EndNote, if the journal to
which you want to submit your work is not among their listed output
styles, you can request that the software suppliers create a new output
style. The Library has information on using
EndNote Online.
Also, see
Versions Toolkit
for advice about how to keep track of your versions - and make sure
that you keep a copy of your own final draft, suitable for repository
deposit in
August 22, 2017 at 8:22 am
game systems that are meant to track performance or to promote
accountability. A very early report on the use of “social indicators” in
the 1960s warned against the perverse effects of adopting such systems.
I see no solution in sight except to educate audiences to apply a
huge discount to statistics that are used to promote individual and
organizational interests. How can it be that all hospitals in the
vicinity are among the “best ten nationally” or that the majority of
graduates “rise to the top of their occupations?” We seem to live in
Jonathan Keillor’s celebrated community of Lake Woebegon, where
everybody is “above average.”
August 22, 2017 at 9:38 am
publishers tools and products. And while citation cartels boost ranking,
retractions due to research misconduct do not have any impact on
university ranking or academics standing. And thus, one can say that
research misconduct pays off because it doesn’t hurt to publish now and
retract later: 1) rankings include publication/citation counts from
previous years and 2) most retractions are hidden.
August 22, 2017 at 10:02 am
engage in this sort of open and notorious corruption. The organizations
can be political, commercial, or academic. Projecting this out further,
political organizations go through a revolution, commercial
organization are sent to a receivership – academic organizations
August 22, 2017 at 3:11 pm
August 23, 2017 at 1:52 am
Being the Devil’s Advocate for a moment here, did the guidelines not
say “(1) “Citation: To cite at least 3 relevant papers of colleagues in
each of your publication” “?
I would read the “relevant” as “relevant to the study”.
The obvious problem with that is that putting a number on the
required Institutional self-citations makes many studies suddenly
“relevant” for the sole reason that they are from the some Institution.
August 23, 2017 at 5:30 pm
August 24, 2017 at 10:06 am
August 24, 2017 at 10:41 am
August 24, 2017 at 10:49 am
Please find below a dissenting voice from the academic staff
association of the university against the directive. PKAUM is the malay
acronym for the association, Persatuan kakitangan Akademik Universiti
Malaya. There are still sane and wise academics at Universiti Malaya.
23 August 2017
Citation Stacking in UM
It has come to the attention of PKAUM that there is currently an
institutionalised practice of “citation stacking” in our university.
“Citation stacking” is the practice of purposefully citing the work
of colleagues in order to boost their own profile as well as the profile
of the university. The “advantage” of this practice is to inflate the
importance of individual academics and to raise the university’s
standing in any ranking system that uses citations as a criteria.
There is nothing wrong in citing the works of others but only if it
is relevant to one’s own work. To do so to boost one another’s standing
and to raise the university’s ranking is not justifiable and in fact is
dishonest because it seeks to “play the system” for personal and
institutional gains.
The Faculty of Engineering, fresh from the latest display of poor
governance of treating academic staff like criminals by using a bio
metric attendance system, has been uncovered to be involved in “citation
stacking”. In a letter dated 3 August 2017, signed by Professor Ir. Dr.
Noor Azuan Abu Osman, Dean of the Faculty, staff members are required
to cite three of their colleagues in each of their publications. This is
now part of staff members KPI in the Faculty of Engineering and it has
been noticed by the outside world with a report on the matter published
by Retraction Watch. The article can be read here :
This is an unacceptable practice by the Dean of Engineering for the following reasons:
1. It is potentially unethical, especially if the citation has
no or minimal relevance to the work at hand and is done merely to “play
the system” of personal aggrandisement and institutional rankings
2. It places a ridiculous demand on academic staff by linking
“citation stacking” to their own academic performance (via the KPI)
3. It erodes academic freedom as staff are being forced to cite their colleagues whether they want to or not.
For these reasons PKAUM insists that the top management of the
university put a stop to this unsavoury practice. We also would like to
propose a change of dean in the Faculty of Engineering, preferably
through secret ballot. There has been too many issues coming from that
PTJ which affects the values, ethics and principles of academia.
Azmi Sharom
August 30, 2017 at 8:06 pm
something like this, what is actually his/her KPI? Ranking? Pleasing
the boss? or really want to improve the ‘running’ of the department? Is
this kind of ‘activities’ can be considered ‘fraud’ or misconduct?. I
truly believe this kind activity is due to vague university policy in
their research ‘adventure’.