Sunday 8 January 2023

Master the Art of Responding to Reviewer Comments


Master the Art of Responding to Reviewer Comments

Executive Director, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR

As a scientist, it is common to face reviewer comments when submitting a paper for publication in a journal. Reviewer comments are feedback provided by experts in the field who have been selected to review the paper and provide recommendations for improvement. These comments can be a mix of positive and negative feedback and can range from minor suggestions to major revisions.

Receiving reviewer comments can be a challenging and stressful experience, as scientists often put a significant amount of time and effort into their research and writing. However, it is important to remember that the comments of the reviewers are meant to help improve the quality of your paper and increase the chances of it being accepted for publication. By carefully considering and addressing the comments of the reviewers, you can improve the quality of your paper and advance your career as a scientist.

In this article, we will discuss tips for effectively responding to reviewer comments and common mistakes to avoid when crafting your response. By following these tips, you can effectively address the comments of the reviewers and increase the chances of your paper being accepted for publication.

Carefully read and understand the comments

It is essential to carefully read and understand the comments made by the reviewers before crafting your response. This is because the reviewers' comments and feedback can provide valuable insight into how to improve your paper and increase the chances of it being accepted for publication.

Taking the time to fully comprehend the comments made by the reviewers is crucial because it allows you to accurately address their concerns and address any misunderstandings. It is also important to consider the perspective of the reviewers, as they are experts in the field and may have insights that you have not considered.

Failing to carefully read and understand the comments made by the reviewers can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of clarity in your response. This can result in the reviewers not fully understanding your response or the changes you have made to your paper, which can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted.

It is crucial to take the time to carefully read and understand the comments made by the reviewers before crafting your response. This will allow you to effectively address their concerns and increase the chances of your paper being accepted for publication.

Be professional and respectful

It is important to be professional and respectful in your response to the comments made by the reviewers, even if you disagree with their feedback. Reviewers are experts in their field who are volunteering their time to help improve your paper and increase the chances of it being accepted for publication.

Being professional and respectful in your response is crucial because it can help to maintain a positive relationship with the reviewers. This is important because the reviewers will be reviewing your paper again after you have made revisions, and a positive relationship can increase the chances of your paper being accepted.

Additionally, being professional and respectful in your response can help to protect your reputation as a scientist. Scientists rely on the reputation they have built within their field to gain the trust and respect of their peers. Being confrontational or disrespectful in your response to the comments of the reviewers can damage your reputation and harm your relationships within the scientific community.

Remaining professional and respectful in your response to the comments of the reviewers is a must, even if you disagree with their feedback. This will help to maintain a positive relationship with the reviewers and protect your reputation as a scientist.

Address all comments

It is essential to address all comments made by the reviewers, even if you disagree with them. Failing to address the comments of the reviewers can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted for publication.

When responding to the comments of the reviewers, it is important to address all of their concerns, even if you disagree with them. This is because the reviewers are experts in their field and their feedback can provide valuable insight into how to improve your paper. By failing to address their comments, you may miss an opportunity to improve your paper and increase the chances of it being accepted.

If you choose to disagree with a comment made by the reviewer, it is important to explain why in a respectful and professional manner. This can help the reviewer to understand your perspective and may lead to a productive dialogue about the concerns raised in the review.

However, it is important to remember that the reviewers' comments and feedback are meant to help improve the quality of your paper. Even if you disagree with their comments, it is important to consider their perspective and try to incorporate their feedback where possible.

Use concrete examples

Using concrete examples from your paper can be a helpful way to effectively address the comments of the reviewers. Concrete examples can help to illustrate your points and make it easier for the reviewers to understand your response.

For example, if a reviewer has commented that a particular section of your paper is unclear, you could use a specific paragraph or figure from your paper as a concrete example to demonstrate how you have revised and clarified the section in response to the comment.

In addition to helping the reviewers understand your response, using concrete examples can also help to make your response more concrete and tangible. This can be especially helpful if the reviewers have made comments that require significant revisions to your paper.

However, it is important to use concrete examples sparingly and only when they are relevant to the comments made by the reviewers. Using too many examples or using examples that are not relevant to the comments can make your response unnecessarily lengthy and difficult to follow.

Keep track of changes made

As you revise your paper in response to the comments of the reviewers, it is important to keep track of the changes you have made. This will allow you to easily reference the specific changes you have made in your response to the reviewers, which can help to demonstrate the improvements you have made to your paper.

There are several ways you can keep track of the changes you have made to your paper. One method is to use track changes in a word processing program, which allows you to easily see and review the changes you have made. You can also use a separate document to keep a record of the changes you have made, including the specific location in the paper where the changes were made and a brief description of the changes.

Keeping track of the changes you have made is also helpful for your own record keeping. It can be helpful to have a record of the changes you have made in case you need to reference them in the future, such as if the reviewers request further clarification on a particular change.

Common Mistakes Scientists Make in Their Response

Ignoring the comments made by the reviewers is a common mistake that scientists make when responding to reviewer feedback. It is essential to address all comments made by the reviewers, even if you disagree with them, because failing to address the comments of the reviewers can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted for publication. By ignoring the comments of the reviewers, you may miss an opportunity to improve your paper and address any misunderstandings or concerns that the reviewers have raised. This can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted because the reviewers may not be satisfied with your response and may feel that the paper is not ready for publication. Ignoring the comments of the reviewers can also reflect poorly on your professionalism and dedication to the scientific process. Reviewers are experts in their field who are volunteering their time to help improve your paper and increase the chances of it being accepted. Failing to address their comments can make it seem like you are not taking their feedback seriously or are not interested in improving the quality of your paper.

It is important to remain professional and respectful in your response to the comments of the reviewers, even if you disagree with their feedback. Being defensive or confrontational in your response can damage your reputation and decrease the chances of your paper being accepted. It is natural to feel defensive or upset when receiving critical feedback, especially if you have spent a significant amount of time and effort on your paper. However, it is important to remember that the reviewers are experts in their field who are volunteering their time to help improve your paper and increase the chances of it being accepted. Their comments and feedback are meant to help improve the quality of your paper, not to personally attack you or your work. By remaining professional and respectful in your response, you can maintain a positive relationship with the reviewers and demonstrate your dedication to the scientific process. This can increase the chances of your paper being accepted and protect your reputation as a scientist. On the other hand, being defensive or confrontational in your response can damage your reputation and harm your relationships within the scientific community. Reviewers may view your response as unprofessional or disrespectful, which can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted and harm your reputation as a scientist.

It is important to clearly articulate the changes you have made in response to the comments of the reviewers. Failing to do so can make it difficult for the reviewers to understand the improvements you have made to your paper, which can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted. To clearly articulate the changes you have made, it is helpful to provide specific examples and explanations of the changes you have made. You can use concrete examples from your paper to illustrate the changes you have made and explain the reasoning behind the changes. This can help the reviewers to understand the improvements you have made and how they address the concerns raised in the review. It is also important to be concise and to the point in your explanation of the changes you have made. Providing too much detail or going off on tangents can make it difficult for the reviewers to understand the changes you have made and can make your response unnecessarily lengthy. Failing to clearly articulate the changes you have made can also make it difficult for the reviewers to determine if you have adequately addressed their concerns. If the reviewers are not able to understand the changes you have made, they may request further revisions or may not be satisfied with your response, which can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted.


Responding to reviewer comments is an important step in the publication process. By following the tips outlined above and avoiding common mistakes, you can effectively address the comments of the reviewers and increase the chances of your paper being accepted for publication. Some key tips for responding to reviewer comments include carefully reading and understanding the comments, remaining professional and respectful, addressing all comments, using concrete examples from your paper to illustrate your points, and keeping track of the changes you have made. Common mistakes to avoid include ignoring the comments of the reviewers, being defensive or confrontational, failing to clearly articulate the changes you have made, and failing to address all comments made by the reviewers. By following these tips and avoiding these mistakes, you can effectively respond to the comments of the reviewers and improve the quality of your paper. This will increase the chances of your paper being accepted for publication and help you to advance your career as a scientist.

Published by

Executive Director, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR
Tips on How to Respond to Reviewer Comments When submitting a paper for publication in a journal, it is common to receive feedback from reviewers. This feedback, which can range from minor suggestions to major revisions, can be crucial in improving the quality of your paper and increasing the chances of it being accepted for publication. Here are some tips on how to effectively respond to reviewer comments: 
👩‍⚕️ Carefully read and understand the comments: It is important to fully comprehend the comments made by the reviewers before crafting your response. Take the time to read the comments carefully and consider their perspective. 
👩‍⚕️ Be professional and respectful: Reviewers are experts in their field who are volunteering their time to help improve your paper. It is important to remain professional and respectful in your response, even if you disagree with their comments. 👩‍⚕️ Address all comments: It is essential to address all comments made by the reviewers, even if you disagree with them. If you choose to disagree with a comment, explain why in a respectful and professional manner. 
👩‍⚕️ Use concrete examples: To effectively address the comments of the reviewers, it can be helpful to use concrete examples from your paper to illustrate your points. 
👩‍⚕️ Keep track of changes made: As you revise your paper in response to the comments of the reviewers, it is important to keep track of the changes you have made. This will allow you to easily reference the specific changes you have made in your response to the reviewers. Common Mistakes Scientists Make in Their Response: 
🙅‍♀️ Ignoring comments: It is important to address all comments made by the reviewers, even if you disagree with them. Failing to address the comments of the reviewers can decrease the chances of your paper being accepted for publication. 
🙅‍♀️ Being defensive or confrontational: It is important to remain professional and respectful in your response to the reviewers, even if you disagree with their comments. Being defensive or confrontational in your response can damage your reputation and decrease the chances of your paper being accepted. 🙅‍♀️ Failing to clearly articulate changes made: It is important to clearly articulate the changes you have made in response to the comments of the reviewers. Failing to do so can make it difficult for the reviewers to understand the improvements you have made to your paper. In conclusion, responding to reviewer comments is an important step in the publication process. By following the tips outlined above and avoiding common mistakes, you can effectively address the comments of the reviewers and increase the chances of your paper being accepted for publication. Read the article for the complete tips! hashtagreference hashtagresearch hashtagscience hashtagpublications hashtagjournals hashtagreviewers hashtagwriting

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