Friday 25 November 2022

Planning to leave Twitter?


Planning to leave Twitter?

Save & analyze your invaluable trove of data before it is gone forever.

With all of the uncertainty around Twitter's future, many are considering leaving the platform. But before blindly jumping into the unknown, users should seriously consider downloading and saving their Twitter data to analyze it for important trends, insights and information that they can take with them.

We created the free dataviz tool below to illustrate how data visualization can help better inform users before they decide to delete their Twitter accounts and abandon years of useful data. Without dataviz, these insights are nearly impossible for anyone to decipher from a data file alone.

Any Twitter user (person or business) can follow these easy steps:

  1. Go this Twitter settings page and request an archive from Twitter.
  2. Wait approximately 24 hours to receive your data from Twitter as a zip file.
  3. Load the tweets.js file from the data folder in the downloaded archive using the 'Choose File' button below.
  4. Scroll down and start investigating important trends!

Important: Your private data will not be uploaded to the internet, it is processed privately in your browser.

The visualizations below show @enjalot's data to give you a sense of the visualizations available. By choosing your tweets.js file all of the tables and visualizations below will be updated to reflect your information!

10,587 tweets since Aug 28, 2008

This first table will show all tweets over the lifetime of an account - they are all searchable using existing metadata. Simply type a topic into the search bar below and every tweet that referenced that term will show up.

10,587 results

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