Citations? Great. But have you got the ‘t factor’?
Proposed Twitter-based altmetric would treat retweets like citations

Strong-arm tactics: the t factor ‘seems highly susceptible to gaming’
your email signature contains your h-index, your Eigenfactor score and
the impact factors of the most prestigious journals you have published
in. But wait – you’ve forgotten your “t factor”.
This is a new Twitter-based “altmetric” proposed in a paper, t factor: A metric for measuring impact on Twitter, posted on the arXiv preprint server by two researchers from Germany’s Max Planck Society.
The authors liken a retweet to a citation in that it reflects the
“impact” of the initial tweet. Hence, based on the formula for the
citation-focused h-index, they say that an individual (or paper, journal
or research group) should be assigned a t factor of x if they have x tweets that have been retweeted at least x times.
They say the measure is an improvement on existing Twitter metrics,
which do not distinguish between tweets and retweets and can be skewed
by large numbers of retweets for a single tweet.
One of the paper’s authors, Lutz Bornmann, a sociologist of science
at the Max Planck Society’s Division for Science and Innovation Studies,
admitted that it was unclear what Twitter impact actually measured
because research showed that it did not correlate with citations.
However it may, he suggested, measure “impact on parts of society
outside science”.
James Wilsdon, professor of science and democracy at the University of Sussex and chair of a recent independent review of the role of research metrics, worried that the t factor “seems highly susceptible to gaming of various kinds”.
“It also reflects a rather narrow view of how and why [academics] use
Twitter,” he added. “Publicising their own papers is a tiny slice of
what they tweet about…It would be a great shame if an online space that
is typically characterised by openness, plurality and a certain
playfulness were to be stifled and impoverished by a hasty move to
measure and value certain types of activity over others.”
David Colquhoun, emeritus professor of pharmacology at University
College London and a critic of metrics, said that it was rare to see “a
serious bit of basic research” mentioned on Twitter.
“The best way to get lots of retweets is to write something that’s
disastrously wrong or just nonsense. Preferably, it should mention diet
or memory or sex or quackery in the title,” he said.
“If anyone were sufficiently foolish to take seriously the t
factor, or altmetrics in general, as a method of assessing the worth of
a person or a paper, the result would be corruption of science. The
only people to gain would be the commercial suppliers of naive numbers
to naive bean counters.”
your email signature contains your h-index, your Eigenfactor score and
the impact factors of the most prestigious journals you have published
in. But wait – you’ve forgotten your “t factor”.
This is a new Twitter-based “altmetric” proposed in a paper, t factor: A metric for measuring impact on Twitter, posted on the arXiv preprint server by two researchers from Germany’s Max Planck Society.
The authors liken a retweet to a citation in that it reflects the
“impact” of the initial tweet. Hence, based on the formula for the
citation-focused h-index, they say that an individual (or paper, journal
or research group) should be assigned a t factor of x if they have x tweets that have been retweeted at least x times.
They say the measure is an improvement on existing Twitter metrics,
which do not distinguish between tweets and retweets and can be skewed
by large numbers of retweets for a single tweet.
One of the paper’s authors, Lutz Bornmann, a sociologist of science
at the Max Planck Society’s Division for Science and Innovation Studies,
admitted that it was unclear what Twitter impact actually measured
because research showed that it did not correlate with citations.
However it may, he suggested, measure “impact on parts of society
outside science”.
James Wilsdon, professor of science and democracy at the University of Sussex and chair of a recent independent review of the role of research metrics, worried that the t factor “seems highly susceptible to gaming of various kinds”.
“It also reflects a rather narrow view of how and why [academics] use
Twitter,” he added. “Publicising their own papers is a tiny slice of
what they tweet about…It would be a great shame if an online space that
is typically characterised by openness, plurality and a certain
playfulness were to be stifled and impoverished by a hasty move to
measure and value certain types of activity over others.”
David Colquhoun, emeritus professor of pharmacology at University
College London and a critic of metrics, said that it was rare to see “a
serious bit of basic research” mentioned on Twitter.
“The best way to get lots of retweets is to write something that’s
disastrously wrong or just nonsense. Preferably, it should mention diet
or memory or sex or quackery in the title,” he said.
“If anyone were sufficiently foolish to take seriously the t
factor, or altmetrics in general, as a method of assessing the worth of
a person or a paper, the result would be corruption of science. The
only people to gain would be the commercial suppliers of naive numbers
to naive bean counters.”
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Citations? Great. But have you got the ‘t factor’? | Times Higher Education
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