Friday, 20 May 2022

Digital Tools for Research


Research & Publication in Medicine & Health


Biomedical Research

The National Library of Medicine defines biomedical research as "research that is conducted to increase fundamental knowledge and understanding of the physical, chemical and functional mechanisms of human life processes and disease.


Basic research also known as fundamental or pure research is driven by a scientist’s curiosity or interest in a question. The main motivation of this type of research is to expand man’s knowledge of the world and not to invent or create something new. This area of research includes observation, description, measurement, and experimentation in order to better understand how living things work. Basic research forms the foundation of applied and clinical research.


Applied research is designed to address specific problems, rather than to just acquire knowledge or increase understanding. Applied research includes development of new drugs or procedures and can involve animals, humans, tissue cultures, or computer models.


Clinical research involves the study of human subjects to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that improve human health.

Campus Resources

Campus Research Board
The Illinois Campus Research Board was established in 1932 to serve the campus as a conduit for the distribution of funding to support full-time
tenured/tenure-track faculty members’ research projects and creative activities.
Illinois Experts

Illinois Experts provides access to over 2,000 Illinois researcher profiles through an online, searchable portal, updated weekly from the Scopus abstract and citation database.

Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS)

The Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS), while performing administrative functions of the Institutional Review Board (IRB), serves as the official oversight office for human subject research at Illinois. The office is the central point of contact for investigators, research subjects, and regulatory agencies.

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR)

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) leads, enables, and supports research initiatives, technology commercialization and knowledge transfer at the University of Illinois. The OVCR has policymaking and oversight responsibility for the research mission and works collaboratively with the academic colleges and other administrative units to lead new research initiatives and to facilitate the ongoing scholarly endeavors of faculty, staff, and students.

Office of Technology Management

Office of Technology Management provides responsive, professional services to ensure the results of research are successfully transferred outside the university to drive economic growth in the State of Illinois and benefit the general public.

Reearch Project Management

Digital Tools for Research

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