Sunday, 21 August 2016

Wikis and Wikipedia as a teaching tool: Five years later | Konieczny | First Monday


Wikis and Wikipedia as a teaching tool: Five years later by Piotr Konieczny

a few years ago Wikipedia was seen as a barbarian invading the ivory
tower. Now, an increasing number of academics recognize that it can be
used as an effective teaching tool.

The following paper is divided into two parts. It beings with a
discussion of the advantages of using Wikipedia as a teaching tool, an
activity that goes beyond a simple addition to the teaching repertoire,
and allows contributing to our society through service learning and
participation in an online community of practice. Contributing to
Wikipedia benefits students, instructors and the wider community.

The second part focuses on practice of teaching with Wikipedia.
Building on my five years of experience in teaching with wikis and
Wikipedia and holding workshops on the subject, I discuss the most
efficient ways to incorporate Wikipedia into the curriculum, highlight
common problems and their solutions, and describe a number of new tools
enhancing the “teaching with Wikipedia” experience.




Why teach with Wikipedia?

How to build a good Wikipedia assignment and tailor it for your course

Wikipedia’s alternatives

How important should the Wikipedia assignment be for your project?

What will the students do?

Student activities


What do students think about Wikipedia assignments?



The following paper is divided into two parts. It beings with a
discussion of the advantages of using Wikipedia as a teaching tool, an
activity that goes beyond a simple addition to the teaching repertoire,
and allows contributing to society through service learning and
participation in an online community of practice. The second part that
follows gets into the gritty details of how one can actually do so.
Building on my five years of experience in teaching with wikis and
Wikipedia and holding workshops on the subject, I discuss the most
efficient ways to incorporate Wikipedia into the curriculum, highlight
common problems and their solutions, and describe the plethora of new
tools enhancing the “teaching with Wikipedia” experience.



Wikipedia is a non–profit, open content encyclopedia, edited
collaboratively by volunteers. It employes wiki technology, which allows
anyone to edit Web pages directly through a browser without the need to
install any additional software. It is also an increasingly popular
platform for educators, who assign their students to contribute to
various areas of a given project.

In 2007 when I published my first paper on teaching with wikis and
Wikipedia (Konieczny, 2007), I was just beginning my research into the
subject, inspired by my first teaching experiences. Back then, among
scholars and educators, Wikipedia was still a stranger, an enemy even,
intruding into the ivory tower, and news stories were rife with reports
of it being banned from schools and campuses (Jaschik, 2007). Several
years down the road, the tide has changed; instead of stories about
students told not to use Wikipedia, we see reports on how professors are
using it as a teaching tool (Pollard, 2008; Wilson, 2008; Cummings and
Barton, 2008; Cummings, 2009a; Chapman, 2010; Wright, 2012). A number of
professional publications, from journals to entire books, have
transformed the idea of Wikipedia as a teaching tool from a preposterous
idea to a respected innovation (Callis, et al., 2009;
Cummings, 2009b; Corbyn, 2011; Burnsed, 2011; Reilly, 2011). It is not
uncommon to see panels, workshops, and even entire tracks dedicated to
the educational use of wikis in general and Wikipedia in particular;
they can be found not only at conferences such as Wikimania and WikiSym,
but also at the major, long estabilished scholarly events (Konieczny,
2011). Most visibly, since late 2010, professional academic
organizations have actively begun promoting the teaching with Wikipedia
approach, beginning with the American Psychological Society and American
Sociological Association (Banaji, 2010; Wright, 2011, 2012).

Wikipedia is steadily ranked among the Internet’s most popular Web
sites. There is a growing recognition that students are and will be
using Wikipedia to acquire knowledge (Head and Eisenberg, 2010; Fiore,
2011; Menchen–Trevino and Hargittai, 2011; Knight and Pryke, 2012), that
barring them from doing so is impossible to enforce and is in fact even
counter productive (Lim, 2009; Knight and Pryke, 2012), and that
Wikipedia itself is no less reliable and credible than other
encyclopedias (Giles, 2005; Chesney, 2006; Menchen–Trevino and
Hargittai, 2011).

However, while a small proportion of students have an in–depth
knowledge of Wikipedia, having already contributed to the site, the vast
majority do not even realize that the site can be edited by anyone
(Menchen–Trevino and Hargittai, 2011). Despite having been often advised
by instructors not to rely on the site as a single source for their
research assignments, most students use it to a significant extent; or
worse, will use obsolete, ad–ridden clones (forks) of it (Head and
Eisenberg, 2010; Menchen–Trevino and Hargittai, 2011). Fortunately,
students do show a growing awareness that Wikipedia is not totally
reliable, think about credibility of their sources, and use it as a
starting point for more advanced research (Head and Eisenberg, 2010; Lim
and Simon, 2011).


Why teach with Wikipedia?

There is a growing recognition that it is the task for educators to
teach the students how to responsibly engage with Wikipedia. As Lim
(2009) notes: “educators and librarians need to provide better
guidelines for using Wikipedia, rather than prohibiting Wikipedia use
altogether”. He is echoed by Knight and Pryke (2012): “a significant
proportion of what we would see as enlightened academics [...] realise
that it is pointless to try to hold back the online tide of Wikipedia.
Instead, they try to give guidance in the way that students consult it:
for clarification, references, comparison and definitions.”

The first stage in adopting Wikipedia for a course is the realization
that it can be used as an educational tool, with benefits for students,
educator and the larger community. In contrast to traditional writing
assignments, working with Wikipedia has several advantages for the

  • students are held accountable to a global audience for what
    they are doing, at the same time realizing that their work is not being
    wasted, but is useful to the entire world, a fact they appreciate and
    that increases their enjoyment of the course. Increased student
    motivation in assignments that they see have a visible impact on the
    real world has been noted before (Jones, 1998), and is confirmed both by
    my experiences and other reports on the use of Wikipedia in the
    classroom (McNeil, 2008; Brundage, 2008; Hill, 2011; Chen and Reber,
    2011; Reilly, 2011). Reilly (2011) makes a very pertinent observation,
    noting that while students could contribute to smaller, classroom–only
    wikis, editing Wikipedia provides a much less artificial and much more
    rewarding option. This approach also fits within the paradigm of the
    service learning — a subtype of structured community work that has
    academic attainment as primary goal (Weigert, 1998; Hollis, 2002; Forte
    and Bruckman, 2006; Konieczny, 2007);
  • most Wikipedia editors contribute to the site because they find
    contributing “fun” (Nov, 2007). While we cannot expect all students to
    share that opinion (just like we cannot expect all Internet users to
    contribute to Wikipedia), there are precious few other educational
    assignments that are carried out by volunteers who think what they are
    doing is “fun”. As such, the Wikipedia assignment, through its novelty
    and real–world usefulness, has a potential to be more enjoyable than
    most other traditional assignments, and some studies of student
    motivations report high student assessments, particularly in the
    graduate setting (Callis, et al., 2009; Banaji, 2010; Chen and Reber, 2011; Wright, 2012);
  • students learn the difference between essay–like and fact–based,
    analytical, encyclopedic writing style. Encyclopedic style, similar to
    that of term papers, thesis, dissertations and real–world research
    reports, is useful in developing critical thinking and improving the
    comprehension of course materials (Grauerholz, 1999; Schulenburg, et al., 2011);
  • as they have to review existing sources and search for new ones
    beyond Wikipedia, students strengthen their ability to search for
    reliable sources and evaluate them critically (Patch, 2010);
  • students gain insights into the creation process of texts on
    Wikipedia and the reliability of articles on it. This enables them to
    draw conclusions for which purposes Wikipedia can be used (and for which
    it should not be). Reilly (2011) notes that only by realizing that
    “anybody can edit Wikipedia”, reinforced through their own editing.
    students will be able to more critically analyze the text on the Web
    site in their future activities;
  • students, interacting with other group members but also the
    worldwide Wikipedia community, learn how to work in a real–time,
    real–world collaborative community–of–practice environment; an
    experience that teaches them the value of objectivity and the
    collaborative process of negotiating over the content (Bruns and
    Humphrey, 2005; Schulenburg, et al., 2011). Reilly (2011)
    stresses the discourse aspect that occurs on Wikipedia (between students
    and Wikipedia volunteers) as one of the more important pedagogical
    aspects of Wikipedia;
  • For most students, this is the first time they are asked to work
    on a collaborative assignment using software that was developed for that
    very purpose (the wiki). Thus students improve their new media literacy
    and gain insights in the creation process of texts on wikis in general,
    an increasingly essential skill in a modern IT workplace (Tapscott and
    Williams, 2010; Schulenburg, et al., 2011).
How can assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework be beneficial for
an instructor? The educator gains various benefits from using Wikipedia
as a platform for education, in particular:

  • the instructor is assisted in the task of guiding/assessing
    students by other editors from the Wikipedia community. Volunteers from
    the Wikipedia Ambassador project (
    can be seen as unofficial teaching assistants, more than willing to
    offer help to any Wikipedia–using course. Further, their help is free
    and requires very little if any bureaucratic paperwork;
  • the instructor is assisted in various secondary tasks, for
    example Wikipedia volunteers employ dedicated tools making them very
    efficient at quickly spotting plagiarism/copyright violations that might
    pass unnoticed in the traditional assignments;
  • in the autumn of 2011, the Wikimedia Foundation begun developing
    an “Education Program MediaWiki Extension”, giving instructors an extra
    set of tools not needed by regular Wikipedia editors. Those tools should
    include course and student management tools, logging of all special
    education events, such as enrollment and courses association, and other
    functionalities. As of Spring 2012, the tool [1] has entered beta testing;
  • wikis were developed with the goal of group collaboration
    facilitation. Thus unsurprisingly, reviewing group participation and
    individual activity is very easy with the wiki “history of
    contributions” and “user contributions” functions. This makes Wikipedia
    (and wikis in general) an excellent tool for monitoring the individual
    activity in group assignments;
  • all of the content developed by the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)
    Wikipedia volunteers, and most of the content developed by other
    instructors using Wikipedia is available under free licenses, as part of
    the Open Educational Resources ( It means that it can be reused for free and without even having to secure permission.
Finally, assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework is beneficial for the Wikipedia community, as:

  • more content is created, enhancing the site’s usefulness;
  • the content created is often in a more specialized, academic topics
    that attract little attention from regular Wikipedia volunteers;
  • the content created is reviewed by experts (course instructors); and,
  • more people gain skills in editing Wikipedia and can become potential long–term contributors.
Lastly, the benefits even go beyond the Wikipedia and classroom
communities, as Wikipedia content is freely available to the entire
world and widely used. As such, students work translates into aiding all
those who use Wikipedia — which, as recent studies indicates, means
most Internet users (Zickuhr and Rainie, 2011).

However, while the consensus that Wikipedia can be a useful
educational tool is emerging, there are preciously few guidelines or
tutorials on how, exactly, Wikipedia should be used in teaching, nor
reviews on how it has been used for that purpose. The rest of this paper
addresses this gap.


How to build a good Wikipedia assignment and tailor it for your course

Adapting a course to incorporate Wikipedia assignments is not an
overly complex procedure; the course is not required to meet in a
computer lab and instructors can retain their favored readings, and so
on. What is likely to change is that a portion of course assignments
will require students to edit Wikipedia, and it is highly recommended
that a segment of at least one lecture or recitation involves
introducing student to that assignment and monitoring their progress
(Reilly, 2011). Presuming that the Wikipedia assignment would be taking
place of another assignment which would have occupied similar portions
of teaching time, teaching with Wikipedia can be easily adapted to
courses from any discipline without requiring massive changes to
underlying teaching material.

The process of adapting (or designing) a course to use Wikipedia is
greatly facilitated if the instructor is familiar with Wikipedia. An
instructor who does not have experience in editing Wikipedia will be
much less likely to efficiently and effectively teach with this tool. I
would go as far as to say that an instructor who teaches with Wikipedia
without knowing how to edit it is doing as good of a job as an
instructor who is teaching using a book that they have never read. An
instructor, unfamiliar with Wikipedia, will be unable to answer many
student queries and will be unable to offer useful advice. They will
likely find it difficult to use wiki tools such as customizing their
course wiki syllabi [2] or using the user contribution tool (
to check on student activities on Wikipedia. Detached from the
Wikipedia community, and unfamiliar with places one can request
assistance, they will be unable to receive helpful input from editors,
such as feedback on plagiarism or warnings about impending deletion of
student work that fails to meet Wikipedia’s requirements.

This does not mean that an instructor has to dedicate countless hours
to become an experienced Wikipedia editor. Several hours — about as
much as it takes to read a book — can suffice to gain a basic
understanding. As a rule of thumb, being able to do all the things
required of students should be sufficient. If you want your students to
contribute a new article to Wikipedia, write one yourself first, and
make sure it meets community standards (a good way to learn if it does
is to submit it for a Wikipedia’s Did You Know ( candidates review [3]).
If you want your students to learn which articles are reliable and
which are not, and how an article should be referenced, make sure to
read up Wikipedia’s policies on referencing (,
and verify, review and reference an article or two yourself. If you
want your students to learn how to write good content for Wikipedia, try
writing a good article ( by yourself. It is also highly recommended that you know how to use Wikipedia’s discussion (talk) pages [4], which are the primary means for editors to communicate.

You do not have to navigate the mysteries of Wikipedia alone; there
is help available — and I do not mean just Wikipedia’s generic help
pages. There are actually a large number of resources designed for
educators. Since 2007, there is a dedicated WikiProject Classroom
Coordination (,
whose members specialize in assisting instructors and professors. As of
July 2012, the project had 50 members, including four non–anonymous
faculty members. Asking for their assistance is as easy as posting a
message to the project’s discussion space. In 2010, Wikipedia has
introduced a Campus and Online Ambassadors ( program [5]
that provides trained volunteers, willing to assist instructors with
their teaching on Wikipedia. Again, asking for their help is quite easy —
just post a request for assistance on the project’s discussion page, or
contact one of the ambassador’s directly through their talk page. There
is the Education Portal (, which contains several guides and other resources. There is a specialized Education Noticeboard ( for answering questions from educators and students, and also a more generic project–wide Help Desk (

Learning the basics of Wikipedia is not a time–consuming process; it
is a breeze compared to learning the basics of a statistical or
qualitative analysis package. A few hours of practice should be
sufficient to write an article, and if anybody has doubts about it,
please consider the fact that students in “teaching with Wikipedia
courses” consistently acquire the needed skills to do just that in such a
timeframe. This will not only net one the skills needed for teaching,
but will also allow one to contribute to the project oneself, heeding
the call of those who argue that contributing to Wikipedia should be
seen as academic responsibility. (Callis, et al., 2009; Corbyn,
2011; Wright, 2011, 2012). It can be simply “fun”, a word we do not
usually associate with either an educational activity nor with learning
new software (Nov, 2007).


Wikipedia’s alternatives

One of the first and most important questions facing an instructor
considering the use of Wikipedia in teaching is simply: “Is Wikipedia a
good place for my project?”

As noted earlier, Wikipedia can greatly enrich a course, and provide a
set of useful assignments. It cannot, however, replace all assignments —
contributing to an online encyclopedia offers many educational
opportunities, but is, in the end, limited primarily to adding or
enhancing encyclopedic content. Though there are interesting and
innovative ways that this can be utilized (students can review content,
discuss reliability of sources used, search for, verify and add
references, create encyclopedic graphs or videos, translate articles,
and so on), there are also several key limitations. Most notably
contributions to Wikipedia cannot contain original research, and have to
be encyclopedic in style (no essays allowed). Wikipedia is no sandbox —
it is a major public space on the Internet, and students will be
interacting with a “real world” online community.

On that note, there are several other projects related to Wikipedia
(all operated by the same, non–profit Wikimedia Foundation) that may be
of use to some courses, where Wikipedia is less than optimal:

  • Wikibooks (
    — a project geared towards collaborative book writing. It allows
    non–encyclopedic style, original research, and focuses on creating
    books. The project has been used for several educational assignments in
    which students were contributing to creating a freely licensed textbook
    related to their course subject [6].
  • Wikinews ( — a project geared towards news reporting, could be of interest to courses in the field of media and journalism studies [7].
  • Wikimedia Commons (
    — a project that serves as a repository of freely licensed digital
    media. Students can participate by contributing new media, but also by
    improving the existing ones. This could involve media restoration,
    digital image improvement, or simply identification of unidentified or
    poorly categorized media, and improvement and/or translation of media
    descriptions [8].
  • Wikiversity (
    — a project with a very open format, geared towards supporting
    educational projects in general. A good place of any educational project
    that does not fit encyclopedic, journalistic or book formats [9].


How important should the Wikipedia assignment be for your project?

Once you have decided that Wikipedia is, indeed, the right venue for
your teaching assignment, we should consider the assignment’s importance
for a given course. What percentage of a grade will it consist of? If
it is a course you have taught before, what traditional assignments will
it replace? What is the goal of this teaching assignment?

Writing or creating articles on Wikipedia lends itself most easily as
a replacement for a final paper. Academic writing style is relatively
close to encyclopedic writing. A key difference to note is that
Wikipedia does not permit essays or original research. Students should
be asked to present their new founded knowledge, but not their own
opinions or findings. In other words, Wikipedia is a great place for
students to describe a theory, animal, book, or other well–established
concept that they have learned about in a course. They should however
not present their opinions of them, or results of their own surveys,
interviews or such.

Although most teaching with Wikipedia activities seem to be centered
at the undergraduate level, this approach has significant potential for
graduate studies as well. Graduate classes can offer much more enriching
discussions on the nature of knowledge creation, Wikipedia’s biases and
similar issues. Students can also also adapt their experiences as a
presentation piece or a peer–reviewed paper. For example, students in a
graduate seminar on plant–animal interactions presented their
experiences in a paper published in Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Callis, et al., 2009).


What will the students do?

Next, we need to consider what it is it that the students will do. As
Reilly (2011) notes, “the greatest hurdle students often need to
overcome in order to contribute to Wikipedia relates to topic

It is most common to have students work on improving encyclopedic
content related to the course. For example, students in an introduction
to sociology course would work on improving selected sociology–related
articles. There are, however, other possibilities [10].
The assignment could examine article writing skills with a focus not on
the topic of an article but rather on language and grammar; such
approach could be favored by a course that teaches writing skills. A
class on research methods could concentrate on determining whether
articles are reliably referenced, adding references, improving them
(replacing unreliable ones), verifying them, and posting reviews on talk
pages. Several courses from various fields have focused on the process
of creating and negotiating Wikipedia articles themselves, to
demonstrate “the contested nature of knowledge production” and similar
concepts. In such courses, students could compare textbook information
with Wikipedia to see what’s missing from Wikipedia as well as in their
textbooks. A similar line of inquiry could analyze what Wikipedia
chooses not to include, and what kinds of articles are deleted, and why.
Finally, with the growing popularity of the site, it is likely we will
be increasingly seeing courses about Wikipedia itself, or at least
including segments dedicated to the understanding the site.

Assuming that you want your students to work on a specific set of
articles, you may either create a closed list of subjects that the
students can select or ask the students to find a subject relevant to
the course and not covered in Wikipedia that you’ll review and approve. I
usually do both — give them a list, but I also allow them to propose
their own suggestions. In either case, Wikipedia has a set of helpful
tools that assist you in creating such a list (or to which you can point
your students).

Articles on Wikipedia are in various stages of development. It is
usually easiest to have students start writing on a subject that is not
covered on Wikipedia, or develop one of the poorly written articles
(those are known on Wikipedia as stub or start classes [11]).
You can look at lists of poor quality or missing articles related to
your discipline. While a simple search through Google or Wikipedia’s own
search will eventually allow one to create such a list, there are a
number of tools developed by Wikipedian editors that can be easily
adapted towards generation of such a list:

  • for existing poor quality articles, as recommended by Schulenburg, et al. (2011), see if there is a Wikiproject (master list is at Wikipedia:WikiProject at related to your field (for example, as I am a sociologist, I would go to Wikipedia:WikiProject_Sociology at Then look for the assessment table (see; it will be a colorful table with a heading similar to “Sociology articles by quality and importance” — see Image 1).
    The articles assessed as stub and start are usually good enough for a
    class project to develop. Note that while Wikipedia has many articles
    (at the time I am writing this article, over three and a half million),
    many of them are poor quality stub and start articles; for example
    Sociology Wikiproject has assessed about 3,200 articles, and out of
    those, 1,600 are stub and start classes, so chances are high you’ll find
    more then enough articles to quickly create a list suitable for your

Sample WikiProject table
Image 1: Sample WikiProject (in this case,
WikiProject Sociology) table listing articles by quality. The circle
highlights the links to two groups (Stub and Start) which contain poorly
developed articles ripe for students to develop.

Listing of stub-like articles
Image 2: Listing of stub–like articles from the category view (left) and cat scan view (right).

  • If you cannot find a stub category related to your field, try
    finding the relevant category (categories are always listed at the
    bottom of each article). Usually the best way is to go to the primary
    article about your field and look how it is categorized on Wikipedia.
    For example, I’d go to the “Sociology” article and thus find
    Category:Sociology ( Then, use the CatScan ( tool [12]
    to search through your category for stub class articles in that
    category. This tool is simple to use: just add the name of your field
    category to the “search in category” field, check the “For stubs” field,
    and click Scan. Keep in mind that this tool is slow, and it make take
    several minutes for the page with results to be generated. See Image 2 for details.
  • For articles that need to be created, see Wikipedia’s Requested articles (Wikipedia:Requested_articles [13]) and find a section related to your class subject, or look at Outlines of knowledge categories (Category:Outlines at and try finding an article that covers the class subject. However, those lists are not comprehensive.
Before you approve a students project for a new article, a common
problem that arises is that the subject may be covered on Wikipedia
under a different name. I find that, on average, every fourth topic that
a student group asks me for permission to work on already has a
Wikipedia article, but under an alternative name the students had not
checked. To ensure that your students are not creating a page that will
be merged into an existing one, search on Wikipedia for synonyms, and
review related articles to see if they do not link to a proposed topic
under a different name.


Student activities

Consider, next: will you ask your students to improve existing
articles or create new ones? Or perhaps you would like them to improve
non–article content, for example by creating images such as graphs or
maps? You may also want your students to focus on reviewing existing
content, leaving suggestions for improvement of existing articles rather
then editing them directly [14].

Note that those choices are not exclusive — you can have different
wiki assignments in the course. In case you decide on a larger
assignment, such as writing an article (replacing a written paper
assignment) do note that it is important to have students learn wiki
editing skills before the last few days of the course; hence smaller
graded wiki assignments or deadlines throughout the course are highly
recommended. Those smaller assignments should have two goals: teaching
students wiki literacy skills, as well as more general skills, such as
proper referencing, checking for reliability in sources, and so on.

Wikipedia allows anonymous editing, which can be a problem, as some
students will forget to log in before making their edits. Make sure that
the students have created an account and make edits logged in, so you
can confirm that specific individuals are carrying out their

On that note: both you and your students should have individual
Wikipedia accounts. Group accounts are against Wikipedia “one person,
one account” policy, and they nullify the ability to track what specific
students are doing.

Some simple initial exercises include:

First (test) edits:

  1. Doing the Wikipedia:Tutorial (
    which introduces students to the basics of Wikipedia editing. You may
    also require the students to make an edit to the Tutorial Sandbox, with
    which you can verify they completed this activity.
  2. Creating a user page (,
    on which the students can share a little (if anonymous) information
    about themselves, their expectations of the course, this assignment, and
First discussions:

  1. Making a discussion post on an article’s talk page (,
    for example reviewing an article of their choice and suggesting ways to
    improve it. This approach has also been recommended by Wadewitz, et al.
    (2010). Make sure the students follow Wikipedia’s “netiquette” by
    bottom–posting and signing it. That is covered by the tutorial, but it
    wouldn’t hurt to demonstrate how commenting on the talk pages works in
    class. You may also direct the students to Wikipedia:Peer Review (
    where editors specifically list articles they’d like to receive
    feedback on (this creates a higher chance of student–editor
    interaction). Reviewing suspected hoax articles
    (Category:Wikipedia_suspected_hoax_articles at can provide some interesting insights into Wikipedia, too.
  2. Interacting with a community. This is a good opportunity to show
    students that Wikipedia is more than just a static reference Web site.
    At Wikipedia:Reference Desk (,
    students can ask a question, provide answers to another one, and
    participate in discussions. This is a great way to quickly get them
    familiar with the habit (and usefulness) of using wiki discussion
  3. Advanced discussions. Students can participate in the discussions on article deletions (Category:AfD_debates at or participate in the requests for comment discussions (Wikipedia:Requests_for_comment/All at

Sample discussion page
Image 3: Sample discussion page from one of
several archives of past discussion in the article on Karl Marx. Note
the table of contents at the top, and the proper discussion following
it, with headings, indentations, signatures, and bottom–posting flow.

Article edits:

  1. Students can edit an existing article. There are many
    articles for students to chose from
    Category:Wikipedia_cleanup_categories (;
    at this stage it may be prudent to focus not on referencing, which is
    slightly more complex than most other tasks on Wikipedia, but on more
    simple edits.
For example:

  1. More ambitious activity is related to merging of
    articles, which may involve students reviewing two articles to determine
    whether merger is needed, and then merging them if they determine it
    is indeed advisable. Those articles are in the “Articles to be merged” ( category.
  2. Once the students have mastered basic editing, they can learn how to
    reference articles. As Reilly (2011) notes, teaching with Wikipedia is a
    good way to “reinforce a favorite mantra of faculty, namely the
    importance of citing secondary sources”. Articles in need of references
    (or reference review and verification) can be found in the “Wikipedia
    articles with sourcing issues” ( category. Further details can be found later in this paper in “Advanced editing #1: Referencing”.
  3. Reilly (2011) also suggests an activity in which in the second half
    of a class students look at their earlier edits, see if they were
    retained by the community and write a report. This can be enhanced with
    students attempting to communicate with editors who might have disagreed
    with their edits, seek an understanding of their reasons, and try to
    improve those earlier edits, and arrive at a better, consensus–driven
    version. Such an activity combines article and discussion page edits
    with significant community interaction and policy understanding.
You will likely select few of the above that appeal to you the most. Consider this example from the Union University Fall 2009 class:

“The students have
three categories of edits to work on. 1) Existing Wikipedia statements
with citations — check the statement against its cited source for
accuracy; if accurate, leave it alone; if not, change it. 2) Existing
Wikipedia statements without citations — find corroborating evidence for
these statements in your sources, and add citations. 3) New statements —
find facts in your sources that are not yet included in the article,
and add them, along with proper citations. The students are to make at
least 50 discrete edits, divided roughly evenly among these three



Technicalities 1. Number of articles and students

Another question to consider is: how many articles will you want the students to work on? Several approaches have been used:

  • Group projects. The class focus is on improving several
    articles; the students usually work in groups, each group works on a
    different article. This is the most common approach.
  • One class project. The entire class focuses on improving one
    article; the students may work individually or in groups, assigned to
    different sections of an article.
  • One student — one article. The class focus is on hundreds of
    articles; each students works on his or her own article. This is an
    approach for some introductory courses, with relatively low focus on
Several interesting approaches have been pioneered for classes where
language is an issue (primarily, for language classes, and for classes
where students have two or more different native languages). For
students writing in non–native languages, a buddy system with teams of
two can be used, where one student specializes in translation, and
another, in content creation. It has also been suggested that students
learning English could contribute to the “Simple English Wikipedia” (
(Waters, 2011). Students proficient with more than one language can
compare different language Wikipedias and translate articles between

A crucial item to consider is whether the students will work
individually, in teams or in larger groups. While wikis were designed to
be collaborative tools, and as such they lend themselves to larger
group projects, some early “learn how to use a wiki” assignments are
best suited for individual assignments.

A final technicality to consider is “where will the students work”
with regards to the virtual location of their work on Wikipedia.
Basically, the students have two options. They can work in Wikipedia’s
main article space (where the regular Wikipedia encyclopedic articles
are) or in a draft space (
The draft space refers to a temporary, semi–private page that can be
created by any editor in their user space or in project space (so
instead of “ your students would be working on”,
it would be at “ article”). Then, once the
article is ready, they can move it to the mainspace. The advantages and
disadvantages of working in a draft space are similar — the articles
will not not be seen by any regular users, and neither will they come to
the attention of most regular Wikipedians. It means it will not risk
being listed for deletion if the students first attempt is a mess, but
it also means that the students interaction with the community will be
vastly limited.

In my experience, if the students receive proper guidance prior to
creating their first article (primarily by having some experience doing
smaller edits, and by being told in the assignment what is expected of
their first article), the deletion is a very unlikely occurrence. I
agree with instructors who voiced the following sentiment: “students
should start immediately editing in main space (rather than first
working on their articles in user–space, or off–site). This will allow
them to absorb Wikipedia conventions from day one, and to profit from
the guidance of other editors” (Wikipedia, 2008). Similar sentiments
where echoed by Wadewitz, et al. (2010).

When will the students work on Wikipedia? The importance of deadlines

Learning how to edit a wiki takes a little time. Designing a course
with that in mind is important, so that students will have the
opportunity to acquire the necessary skills before embarking on a larger
assignment. If students will not be required to learn how to edit early
on, many will likely not do it until the very deadline, when they
realize that editing a wiki is a skill that takes more than five minutes
to learn, leading to frustration and poor quality work.

Here is a simplified timetable [15] from one of my past course that is designed to start with warm–up exercises leading to a major group project:

  • September 14: introduction to assignments, group assignment
  • September 21: deadline for individual completing Wikipedia Tutorial, first edits
  • October 5: deadline for selecting articles for the groups
  • October 14: deadline for individual posting of outlines/“to do” lists on group article’s talk pages
  • November 2: deadline for having an early draft of the group article for reviews by other groups/instructors
  • November 16: deadline for finishing the group article and its submission to a Good Article review process
  • December 11: articles are graded (students are expected to monitor and address instructor and GA reviewer’s comments till then)
Creating a wiki syllabus is easy

It is helpful to have an online page describing the wiki assignment.
While you can put such a page anywhere on the Internet, note that
Wikipedia will gladly host it as well. You can list your course at the
Wikipedia’s School and Universities Page, and on a subpage add
information about institution and faculty, target articles, aims,
duration, instructions for students and whatever else you find useful.
Hosting your course page on Wikipedia has several advantages: it is
free; editing it will improve your wiki editing skills; it is much
easier to update than most static pages; it is transparent to the
Wikipedia community; and finally it will use Wikipedia style and thus
limit the number of Web pages and styles your students have to deal

To facilitate creation of such a page, I have developed the
“wikisyllabus”, which contains sections on the timetable, grading,
instructions and tips for students and a student list. It also contains a
series of assignments, designed to teach student how to edit Wikipedia,
starting with a series of “warm up” exercises and leading to a major
group project in which students create or improve a Wikipedia article
with the ultimate goal of achieving the “Good Article” community–awarded
status. The wikisyllabus is designed in the form of a template that can
be easily copied and adapted to a course in most fields [16].

Part of a sample wiki-syllabus
Image 4: Part of a sample wiki–syllabus (from, covering student activities for the first three weeks.

Technicalities 2. Tips and tricks

First tip: Help is available for everyone — students and instructors

In addition to the volunteer assistants (campus and online ambassadors),
and interactive help pages on Wikipedia (such as the desks and
noticeboards), there is a 24–hour, real–life chatroom help available (in
the form of the #wikipedia–en–ambassadors IRC channel at, and numerous handouts and video tutorials found on the Wikipedia Ambassador’s Resource page (

Second tip: Students love to procrastinate. Design the course to
fight that tendency. Regular graded wiki activities and graded deadlines
on larger projects will keep them from putting everything off till the
last few days.

Third tip: Consider making your writing assignment a community
reviewed project. As mentioned earlier, Wikipedia’s community has
several review procedures for an article (DYK [], GAN [], PR [], FA []).
Involving students in those processes will teach them about quality,
give more precise information as to what is expected from them, and
increase the level of community involvement with your project.

Currently the above practice is not common practice, found in less
than 10 percent of all assignments. Where utilized, however, it results
above–average articles. Seeing their articles on Wikipedia’s front page
increases student satisfaction (as witnessed, for example, by comments
from students in the first course to set and achieve a goal of writing
Good Articles ( and Featured Articles (,
the University of British Columbia (Spring 2008) class SPAN312
(“Murder, Madness, and Mayhem: Latin American Literature in Translation”

The two most effective procedures to incorporate into a course are the Did You Know and Good Article reviews.

Did You Know requires that an article is relatively recent (created
no more than a week before the nomination) or expanded (within the same
time frame) five–fold. Such an article should be also larger than a stub
(roughly, containing at least 1,500 characters of prose), properly
formatted and with inline references at least for key claims. Such an
article should be listed at the Did You Know nominations page (,
and will be reviewed by another editor. As some reviewers just leave
their comments at that page, students should monitor it daily, till the
review is passed, to address any issues raised. Upon the successful
review, the article will be eligible for an appearance on Wikipedia’s
front page in the “Did you know...” section (the article will usually be
featured for several hours, few days after a successful review is
concluded). One of the handouts at the Wikipedia Ambassador’s Resources
page listed above provides a detailed outline for a “Did You Know”
assignment [17].

Did You Know articles
Image 5: Did You Know articles students write
will be featured in the (highlighted) section of Wikipedia’s Main Page
for several hours, usually attracting several thousand readers.

A more challenging process is the Good Article reviews. Compared to
Did You Knows, Good Articles are usually much longer, required to be a
relatively comprehensive treatments of a given subject, and are subject
to a much more detailed review of prose, comprehensive and reliable
sourcing. Good Article reviewers will provide a much more detailed
review, and will expect a much higher level of interaction than the Did
You Know reviewers. The procedure of nominating an article for a Good
Article is relatively simple and covered on the Good Article Nomination
page (

In my experience, about half of the student groups in my courses are
able to achieve a Good Article status on their articles, and the
remaining half end up with the “almost Good Article“ B–class status.
Numerous other students or groups have achieved a Did You Know status,
particularly with the help of the Campus and Online Ambassadors [18].

Note that Good Articles often have a backlog of several weeks from
nomination to review. This makes them problematic for assignment with
tighter deadlines, but this can be easily rectified. On the talk page of
the Good Article Nominations page (
one can ask for reviewers who would be willing to review your student
articles ahead of schedule (due to class deadlines). In all cases I have
asked for reviewers, volunteers agreed to review my class articles
within few days (and kept good on that promise). It is not required, but
in good form, for an instructor and his assistants to agree to review
some other Good Articles nominees, to reduce the workload that the
educational assignments put on Good Article reviewers.

You will also surely want to review the students articles yourself. Wikipedia offers a useful tool — the Peer Reviewer ( [19] — that will check for technical errors within the article (such as Wikipedia Manual of Style issues).

Fourth tip: Encourage the use of discussion (talk) pages. As Reilly
(2011) notes, those interactions can be one of the most constructive and
motivating elements of the Wikipedia assignment. All of Wikipedia’s
articles have discussion pages accessible through a tab in the top right
corner of the article, labeled “discussion”. Those pages serve as
primary communication venue on Wikipedia. When students edit an article,
they should monitor its discussion page for comments from other
editors. Also, each editor has their own public discussion (talk) page.

Top of a Wikipedia article
Image 6: Top of a Wikipedia article, read mode. Note the talk tab to the left, and edit and view history tabls to the right.

Wikipedia netiquette has evolved in such a way that it is expected
that editors will conduct most of their public discussion through
discussion (talk) pages, rather then through e–mail. If students ignore
those pages, they will likely fail to spot or respond to inquires,
suggestions and reviews from other, more seasoned Wikipedia editors.
This is problematic, as proper use of discussion pages can be very
beneficial. One of the educators remarked on this issue: “[Through
discussion pages, students] also got to experience feedback in many
forms from someone other than me. I think that may have been the
greatest challenge and lesson they learned — not everyone will bend over
backwards to spare their feelings, and they are unable to control what
everyone says about their work. I also required that they take ALL
feedback, good and bad, into account. This was tough for many, but it
made them better writers.” (Brundage, 2008)

This form of communication is however likely to be new to students,
and getting used to it is perhaps one of the biggest challenges. To
ensure that the students utilize the those pages, I employ four
solutions in my courses:

  • first, make discussion (talk) pages activity required and gradable (just like class discussions);
  • second, some early warm–up activities should require students to use
    those pages (post review of an article, ask questions at the Reference
    Desk, post an outline and “to do” lists of their future work, and so
  • third, the students (and you) can subscribe to RSS (e–mail) alerts
    when the page they are interested in (their own discussion pages and the
    assignment page, most likely) has been edited. This can be achieved
    through RSS
  • fourth, as of early 2011, Wikipedia has also introduced an option to
    receive e–mail notifications whenever one’s talkpage is changed (to be
    enabled in your preferences).
It is highly recommended to monitor all student talk page activity,
and interact with them on Wikipedia by posting
comments/suggestions/reviews, answering their questions and asking your
own questions about their progress.

Some potential problems with discussion pages include:

  • students may not realize they need to bottompost (new
    comments, on Wikipedia, always go at the bottom of a page/under the last
    relevant comment) and sign their posts;
  • students often tend to use discussion page to “declare” things,
    rather then interact with others. Stress that discussion pages are for
    discussion, not just announcements;
  • also, give a “heads up” on article’s discussion page, warning
    editors monitoring it about the influx of newbies. This is likely to
    assure their goodwill ahead of time. To do so, see which editors have
    commented on a given article’s discussion page before, and contact them
    through their user discussion pages, notifying them that the article
    they may be interested in will be a subject of an educational assignment
    they may want to help out with;
  • rarely, a misguided editor will be uncivil to students and/or an
    instructor, telling them that Wikipedia is not a place for educational
    assignments, and/or that this project is damaging the article/discussion
    page. Reminding them that educational assignments are an established
    part of Wikipedia and that Wikipedia has a “do not bite the newcomers”
    policy (
    should usually suffice. In either case, students encountering
    unfriendly editors are reported to be a very rare occurrence, consistent
    with my own experiences (Ehmann, et al., 2009; Reilly, 2011);
  • some discussion pages, particularly those of articles just
    created by students, will not be monitored by other editors. Thus
    student posts on them may not elicit any reply, potentially damaging
    student motivations. You may want to solicit comments, either through
    posting on relevant discussion pages, or inviting comments through the
    previously mentioned Wikipedia–wide “request for comment” discussions.
Fifth tip: Think about student motivations. Explain to them that by
doing assignments on Wikipedia they are learning valuable twenty–first
century computer literacy skills, something to include on their resumes.
Further, it is worth stressing that they are learning about the
reliability of the most popular source of information in the online
world, and their work will become a digital artifact, helping others and
that they can point to now and in the years to come.

When participating in the Did You Know, or Feature Article process,
the students’ handiwork can appear on Wikipedia’s main page, read by
tens of thousands of visitors around the world that day. One of the
students who participated in such assignment commented on their finished
product: “Because I have worked so hard writing and re–writing it, I am
extremely proud of the finished result. I almost can’t believe I helped
write it when I look back over it. Term papers I have handed back end
up in a binder than eventually sits under my bed and files sit on my
computer unopened ever again. This wikipedia page will be seen and
likely used by others in the future. After all, I am quite confident
that the references list is a comprehensive list of nearly everything
published in English on the subject. Any student or person looking to
read more about El SeƱor Presidente no longer has to look any further
than our references list. Now that is something truly amazing!” (McNeil,

Sixth tip: Check the preferences page for many useful settings.
Receiving e–mail is disabled by default. If you do not have the habit of
checking your talk page daily, enable e–mail, and you may advise
students to do the same.

Seventh tip: As Reilly (2011) notes, it is a good idea to encourage
student use of the edit summary tool while editing. When making edits,
all editors are advised to add helpful summaries of what they have done,
visible from the history and contribution tabs. This helps the
instructor, but also the students, as it may force the student to spend
more time rethinking and improving their edits, increasing chances their
edits will be positively received by others.

Eighth tip: Remember about copyright. In addition to thinking about
plagiarism, think about copyright in general. Check who owns your
students’ course work. If the owner is your institution, check that you
have permission to submit it. If it is your students’ (as is most
common), ensure that you have their consent to require them to add
material to Wikipedia (a note in the syllabus should be sufficient).

Ninth tip: Consider this advice from Cory Doctorow (2007): “The
assignment went very well ... The key is to put every student’s edits up
for the whole class to see and discuss at each lecture.” Whether you
will want to dedicate lecture time to reviewing a given Wikipedia
assignment is, of course, a significant issue to consider. Many
successful courses have used Wikipedia without putting that much stress
on this assignment, however Doctorow’s insight is certainly worth

Tenth tip: Wikis make monitoring student activities easy. Make sure
you are familiar with page history and editor contribution tools.
Article’s history (,
accessible through “history” tab at the top of each article, will allow
you to see who has edited a given article, when and how. The editor
contribution tool (,
accessible through an article’s history or user pages, allows you to
see exactly what and when a given student has been doing [20].

User contributions for a student
Image 7: User contributions for a student, showing exactly when the student has been active, and on which article.

View of specific student contribution
Image 8: An in–depth view of a specific student contribution, showing exactly what the student has changed in an article.

Advanced editing 1. Referencing

Referencing Wikipedia article is likely among the most useful tasks
students can do, outside writing them (which involves referencing in any
case). Acquiring referencing skills opens a very useful field for
student activities: adding and verifying references. There is a plethora
of articles to be fixed (see the “Wikipedia articles with sourcing
issues” category). Those skills are great for teaching students about
reliability of sources in general and the reliability of Wikipedia and
its limits in particular.

Until early 2011, referencing involved learning a little bit of code,
making it rather more complex than most other edits. Recently, however,
interface improvements made referencing a much more friendly task. In
the editing mode, the editing toolbar (a line over the editing windows
with buttons for bolding text, inserting links and such) now also has a
“cite” button which generates pop–up windows allowing editors to enter
bibliographical data for book, journals, Web articles or other types of

Journal citation pop up
Image 9: The Journal citation pop up, that once
filled will the generate the appropriate wiki code, and place it in the
article when needed. It is accessed from the cite menu (highlighted),
and selected from the pull–down “templates” menu (to the left of the

Note that after entering information in this pop–up box, it will
generate and insert less friendly code into an article’s editing window.
There is no need for an editor to do anything to the code, however, it
will be visible. Some students may be confused by this code, and thus
demonstrating how referencing works on Wikipedia, and a brief
explanation and demystification of the <ref></ref> and
<ref name=></ref> code in class is beneficial [21].
I would strongly suggest combining this with a short lecture segment on
what a reliable source is (why books are better than blogs, avoiding
“random Web sites”, avoiding course presentation slides, and such).
Students often do not realize what makes a source reliable or not, and
learning this constitutes a valuable skill certainly applicable outside

Finally, it is important to note that Wikipedia’s referencing
standards are usually higher than those of a regular term paper. In
particular, students should reference most sentences — thus they will be
less likely to get away with plagiarism or using unreliable sources.

Advanced editing 2. Images

Adding an image to article can be tricky, but rewarding, particularly
if it is an image students have taken or created themselves.

When uploading an image to Wikipedia, one needs to keep in mind that
the image has to be available under a free license or exist in public
domain. Many students are unfamiliar with copyright issues, and they
need to learn that a “random image found on the Web” is not acceptable
on Wikipedia (or in most other places). This is a great learning
opportunity to teach students about the increasingly important issues of
free culture and copyright (Lessig, 2004).

When the students are ready to upload an image, they should do it through the Upload Wizard (
The image will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, a repository of free
media for Wikipedia and its sister projects; the Wizard will provide a
code that needs to be added to the article so that the image will

Wikipedia:Finding images tutorial (, Wikipedia:Picture tutorial ( and Wikipedia:Graphics tutorial (
respectively cover: finding existing, freely available images on the
Web; placing them in the articles; and, creating or improving images.

While the Upload Wizard prompts editors to select a free license and
describe the source of the image, in my experience, students often
ignore that requirement, leading to their images being deleted as
copyright violations. If your students will be uploading images or other
media, make sure to stress the importance of free licensing (and a
demonstration of how to upload an image may be helpful).

Advanced editing 3. Tables and infoboxes

Tables and infoboxes (specialized tables found at the beginning of
many Wikipedia articles) are unfortunately rather code–heavy. Therefore I
do not require my students to use any of them. Nonetheless if you think
students in your class are relatively computer–savvy, or that tables
and/or infoboxes would add something significant to your assignments,
Help:Table ( and Help:Infobox ( pages will be useful.

Even if you do not require students to use tables of infoboxes, at
the very least, just like with referencing, students should realize that
in the editing mode, when editing an article with tables or infoboxes,
they can encounter blocks of code [22].
To demystify them, when demonstrating the basics of Wikipedia, after
editing in a simple article without an infobox (such as “tradition”),
show students an article with an infobox (most biographical articles
will have them, for example, “Karl Marx”). Next, show them that they can
edit the text in the infobox, as well as underneath it, just like
anywhere else.

An article infobox
Image 10: An article’s infobox (right) is
usually code heavy (code pictured to the left). However, students can
just ignore it, or ask experienced Wikipedians for help.

Common problems with Wikipedia assignments

Over several years, I observed that common problems with teaching with Wikipedia can be classified into two categories:

  • an instructor not understanding Wikipedia (worst case: teachers
    asking students to vandalize Wikipedia to demonstrate its unreliability
    or similar concepts, or to create hoax articles) [23];
  • students not understanding Wikipedia (poor explanations from a given instructor).
Either way, this leads to deletion of articles due to either original research or plagiarism.

Having your students work disappear can be a serious blow to their
motivation. Two courses illustrate this, with as much as half of the
student–created content deleted within days of creation, due to being
plagiarized, unencyclopedic or merged upon identification of already
existing articles on the same subject [24].

The “no original research” policy means that articles on Wikipedia
need to be written in encyclopedic style, cite reliable, secondary
sources for all claims, and avoid essay–like personal opinions and
first–hand findings. In my experience, once the structure and purpose of
an encyclopedic article is explained to students, they find it rather
easy to grasp this idea.

The problem of plagiarism is much better known throughout academia.
In the past few years, I have found that close to a third of undergrads
have a plagiarism–related “misunderstanding”. Fortunately, I found a way
to reduce those misunderstandings to almost zero.

First, assume that the students do not really know much about
plagiarism, and what they may know is likely incomplete. Explain to them
what plagiarism and copyright violations are. In particular, they need
to realize that they should not only cite sources, but avoid long
quotations or attributed copy pastes I lost count how often students
copy and paste segments, attribute them, and think this is allowed.
Others copy and paste text, intending to rewrite it later. This is not
allowed on Wikipedia, where even early drafts are public and must be
free of plagiarism (know on Wikipedia as “copyvio”). You may want to
direct your students to helpful guides on Wikipedia:
Wikipedia:Copy–paste (, Wikipedia:Quotations#When_not_to_use_quotations ( and Wikipedia:Close_paraphrasing (

Second, after explaining to them what they should not do, it is time
to strike some fear into them. I recommend mentioning academic ethical
guidelines and penalties. Follow it up by showing students how easy it
is to find out whether they have committed plagiarism. I usually begin
by demonstrating for them how easy it is to check for plagiarism on
Google, noting that Google indexes books (through Gooble Books),
newspapers (through Google News) and journals (through Google Scholar).
Next, Wikipedia offers an even greater stick: a proof that all
plagiarized content will be caught, quickly and publicly. Show students
how vigilant Wikipedia is of copyright:
Wikipedia:Suspected_copyright_violations ( and Wikipedia:Copyright_problems (
are quite a sight — dozens, if not hundreds, of new plagiarized entries
on Wikipedia are found and dealt with within hours of posting. Indeed,
in my personal experience, Wikipedia volunteers have detected more than a
half of copyvio/plagiarism problems with articles of my students before
I did.

Lastly, here are some common questions my students keep asking me in
every course. It is a good idea to be able to answer them quickly:

  • how do I add references? (show them how to use the reference button in the toolbar);
  • how do I add image? (show them how to add an image to an article);
  • image I uploaded got deleted (likely because the student just found
    an image ”somewhere“ on the Web and does not understand the concept of
    Wikipedia accepting only freely licensed images);
  • content I added got deleted (it was either plagiarized, or
    unencyclopedic, such as a ”to do“ list or empty sections that belong on
    the talk page instead);
  • where can I find some reliable sources? (it is a good idea to have a
    segment on finding reliable sources for any writing assignment).


What do students think about Wikipedia assignments?

Students are ambivalent about whether wikis are easy, but a lecture
segment on how to edit vastly improves their perception of how easy it
was to learn this tool. Augar, et al. (2005) found that 73
percent of their students considered wiki technology “easy to use”, and
after incorporating a “how to edit Wikipedia” segment into my initial
lectures (three one our segments in a computer lab), a similar portion
of my students expressed the same sentiment.

Students are ambivalent about wiki assignments: some love them, some
hate them, most are neutral; based on my observations, about half of
them prefer a wiki assignment to a traditional one. The students who
disliked the assignment usually noted that it was more difficult than
just writing a regular paper in a text editor would be. Those who liked
it commented that their project resulted in an above–average group paper
that would be seen and appreciated by others. At the same time, Chen
and Reber (2011) reported that most students in their course appreciated
the Wikipedia assignment, as did Callis, et al. (2009) and
Wright (2012). I expect that the difference is due to my students being
undergraduate, compared to the primarily graduate (and thus, more
motivated) composition of the population of other studies.

Students did certainly appreciate that their work is seen and useful
to the wider public, and that they are creating useful digital
artifacts. This is consistent with previous findings in the literature,
as students are known to be more motivated to participate in activities
that they see as having a visible impact on the real world (Weigert,
1998; Hollis, 2002; Forte and Bruckman, 2006; McNeil, 2008; Brundage,

Students also show some appreciation for learning a new tool that
they may find useful in the future work, although they may well not
realize how likely it is that they will be using wikis in their future
careers (Tapscott and Williams, 2010). This should come as no surprise,
considering most of them did not know what a wiki is before the
beginning of a course (Menchen–Trevino and Hargittai, 2011).



A Wikipedia assignment allows one to easily incorporate into teaching
practice lessons on reliability, copyrights and free culture, as well
as wikis and Wikipedia, which form an increasingly useful skillets for
the new, digital literacies of this century. There are no costs involved
beyond acquiring some basic wiki editing skills that one can utilize in
heeding the call for academics to contribute to Wikipedia, and more
selfishly, in collaborative work on various research projects. Free help
from motivated Wikipedia volunteers (such as the Campus and Online
Ambassadors) is often more substantial than assistance promised from
for–profit groups. Finally, the assignment easily fits into most syllabi
by replacing the traditional (“write–grade–shred–forget”) writing
assignment with a contribution to a popular, public and non–profit
project in the best tradition of the “service learning” paradigm. End of article

About the author

Piotr Konieczny received his Ph.D. from the Department of Sociology
at the University of Pittsburgh in August 2012. He is interested in the
sociology of the Internet, in particular in topics such as wikis — their
impact on individuals and organizations; decision–making processes and
organizational structure of Wikipedia; patterns of behavior among its
contributors; relation between wikis and social movements; and, teaching
with new media.

E–mail: piokon [at] post [dot] pl


1. The education MediaWiki extension development page can be found at

2. A version of this tool developed by me is available at; another version developed by the Wikimedia Foundation is at

3. The page for such submissions is at; a guide on how to submit one's work is linked at the top of that page. A good handout is available at

On Wikipedia, all articles have “discussion pages” accessible through
the discussion tab. They are also known as “talk pages”. You can read
more about the discussion (talk) pages at and there is also a video tutorial at

5. A list of ambassadors with can be found at

6. For more on educational opportunities at Wikibooks, see

7. For more on educational opportunities at Wikinews, see

8. For more on educational opportunities at Wikimedia Commons, see

9. For more on educational opportunities at Wikiversity, see

10. A number of short case studies focusing on different student activities can be found at

11. Terms like stub and start are defined at

12. Available at Also, a revised, if more intimidating, version of the tool is at
Using the CatScan tool you can create intersects between two
categories, for example you can easily get a list of which articles in
the “Sociology” category (or its subcategories) are also in the
“Wikipedia articles with sourcing issues” cleanup category. To do so,
you’d use the tool as described previously, but use the “for pages by
category” search option instead of “for stubs”. Note, also, that CatScan
will return only the first 1,000 entries (in alphabetical order). If
you find this is not enough (as you may well do — in my test run, for
the categories mentioned above, the 1,000 articles ended at D with the
“Demographics of New York City” article), you may want to limit the
category depth parameter (“with depth” parameter is checked as three by
default, reduce it two two or one is likely to help). In my case,
limiting both to two resulted in a more manageable list of 638 articles.

13. Available at

Keep in mind that students reviewing articles will generate reviews
that are too brief and general; additionally, they will be biased toward
giving only positive reviews to their classmates.

15. For a full timetable that I used in Fall 2011, see

16. For examples of “wikisyllabus”, see note 2.

17. This particular handout is available at

18. Did You Know articles written by student can be found at and

19. The Peer Reviewer tool can be found at

20. You can learn about those tools at and

In addition to the section on referencing in the Wikipedia Tutorial, a
useful advice on referencing for beginners can be found at

Wikimedia Foundation has been working on a “WYSWIG” editor that would
eliminate the need for editors to deal with code for several years. In
Spring 2012, a beta version was announced and is available for testing

23. An example of such “teaching through vandalism” can be read about in

24. For specific case studies, see (11 out of 27 student created articles deleted) and, (33 out of 70 articles deleted).


Naomi Augar, Ruth Raitman and Wanlei Zhou, 2005. “Employing wikis for
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Editorial history

Received 24 May 2011; revised 15 July 2012; accepted 6 August 2012.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wikis and Wikipedia as a teaching tool: Five years later
by Piotr Konieczny
First Monday, Volume 17, Number 9 - 3 September 2012

Wikis and Wikipedia as a teaching tool: Five years later | Konieczny | First Monday

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