Sunday 8 August 2021

Ways to Increase Your Research Visibility


Ways to Increase Your Research Visibility

Research Tips 16: Ways to Increase Your Research Visibility
Tuesday, August 03, 2021 Research Tips 16

Nowadays, promoting research activities are increasingly important in researchers’ work. By making your research more visible you could potentially open up future collaboration / job / publication opportunities, increase citations to your work and increase the number of people finding, reading and building on your work. Thus, increasing your own reputation and chances of success in your academic work.

Here are some tips you can improve the visibility and impact of your research activity.

Get an ORCID

An ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Having a unique identifier ensures that the bibliometric data about you and your body of work is accurate and correctly linked to your researcher profile. Once you register an ORCID iD, you can add your personal identifiers (for example Scopus Author ID, WoS ResearcherID) to your ORCID record. ORCID also improves the visibility of the research. (Read more…)

ORCID training video

Promote Your Research at Conferences

Conferences are a great opportunity to promote yourself and your research. You can take the opportunity to meet other researchers and start to develop your research network even if you aren’t presenting your work. Remember to take hard copies of your papers and circulate at conferences.

Use Social Media

Share your publications using social networking tools such as Mendeley, ResearchGate, Academia, Twitter, Slideshare, blogs, etc.

Create an Online Presence

Utilizing tools such as ORCID iD, Scopus Author ID, ResearcherID, Google Scholar Profile, or LinkedIn and link to your profile on institution webpages, vitae to increase your online visibility on the Internet.

Create Your Personal Email Signature

Your personal email signature can provide a serious marketing opportunity to promote your research. It is easily to create your own professional email signature with free Email Signature Generators, including:

Email SignaturesFreelancingGigCocoSign

Further Reading


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