Research on social media and the open web
Many academic researchers or research groups use social media to
alert their colleagues to research developments; or share information
using scholarly communities on the web. These sites can be a valuable
way of keeping up to date. Twitter, blogs, email lists or discussion
groups and online scholarly communities are some of the ways in which
you can 'keep up to date'.
The London School of Economics' Impact of Social Sciences blog is an example of a group using twitter to alert 'followers' to new blog content and to promote discussion.

The group has also produced a useful introduction for academics entitled Using Twitter in university research, teaching and impact activities: A guide for academics and researchers
alert their colleagues to research developments; or share information
using scholarly communities on the web. These sites can be a valuable
way of keeping up to date. Twitter, blogs, email lists or discussion
groups and online scholarly communities are some of the ways in which
you can 'keep up to date'.
The London School of Economics' Impact of Social Sciences blog is an example of a group using twitter to alert 'followers' to new blog content and to promote discussion.

The group has also produced a useful introduction for academics entitled Using Twitter in university research, teaching and impact activities: A guide for academics and researchers
Using Twitter
Twitter is a microblogging service that is optimised for mobile devices, and is great for learning about and sharing research. You can:

To learn more about how twitter works checkout Getting Started with Twitter or the LSE Guide to using Twitter for university research.
- Follow key researchers or research groups in your subject area who
use Twitter to alert followers to new posts in an academic blog or new
articles or breaking news. - Reply to journalists or scholars in your field and ' re-post'
links to articles through your own account to pass them on to people who
'follow' you. - Alert your 'followers' to your research interests and exchange ideas and information.
- Follow key researchers or research groups in your subject area who
Anatomy of a tweet

To learn more about how twitter works checkout Getting Started with Twitter or the LSE Guide to using Twitter for university research.
Using blogs
You can subscribe to blogs that have
been created by indiviuals or groups who 'post' items for information or
discussion. Research groups, individual researchers, media outlets
and professional orgnaisations are some possible 'bloggers'. Readers
who subscribe to a blog can post their responses.
been created by indiviuals or groups who 'post' items for information or
discussion. Research groups, individual researchers, media outlets
and professional orgnaisations are some possible 'bloggers'. Readers
who subscribe to a blog can post their responses.
Harvard Business Review Blog Network
Blog posts and articles on a wide range of business and management topics
Karen Blakeman's Blog
and comments on search tools, Internet technologies and resources for
business information. US based but has valuable resources for finding US
and other information.
Enterprise Society Blog
regular blog by W/Prof Tim Mazzarol published in "The Conversation"
online newspaper that deals with issues relating to the role of
entrepreneurship, innovation and small business in our society
100 Best RSS Feeds to Follow Engineering News
This is a good starting list of RSS feeds for Engineering blogs and related sciences.
Opino Juris
Forum for informed discussion and lively debate about international law and international relations
List of Australia legal blogs
From the Amicae Curiae blog
Quantum diaries
Thoughts on work and life from particle physicists from around the world
BioMed Central Blogs
Dedicated to science, technology and medicine.
Networks or communities of scholars
Networks or Communities of Scholars can be broad and global in scale, such as Arxiv or SSRN, or more nationally or locally focussed, such as the Centre for Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation (CEMI). These communities can be hosted and operate on web sites, blogs or email (discussion) lists.
Finding an online community of fellow researchers can be a valuable
way of hearing about developments in your subject area and exchanging
ideas. You can usually subscribe to these communities using RSS and many use Twitter to alert followers to new posts or articles.
Finding an online community of fellow researchers can be a valuable
way of hearing about developments in your subject area and exchanging
ideas. You can usually subscribe to these communities using RSS and many use Twitter to alert followers to new posts or articles.
Collaborative Research Networks (Law)
Networks organised under the Law and Society Association (international)
Social media - Keeping Your Research Current - Guides at University of Western Australia
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